Bedroom in a Box
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Oooh I love the title of this wonderful new Dulux product: Bedroom in a Box! Basically everything you need to update your child’s bedroom “in a box”. There are currently two themes to choose from Jungle Adventure Bedroom in a Box and Fairy Princess Bedroom in a Box.
I am impressed that it is indeed “a bedroom in a box” – it is a little heavy, but something you could carry home on the bus easily!
We have been sent the Jungle Adventure to take a look at. Something that I think both my son and daughter would enjoy!
So… what do we think?
Well, £70 + postage (£9.95), approx £80 gets you:
- Walltastic Jungle Adventure mural L10 x H8 feet (approx. L300 x H240 cm)
- Wallpaper split into 12 manageable ready-to-apply rolls
- Dulux Matt Emulsion, Willow Tree, 2.5 litres
- Dulux Quick Dry Satinwood, Jasmine White, 750ml
- Polycell Maximum Strength Wallpaper Adhesive
So basically – the wall paper mural + the adhesive to put it up and paint for the rest of the bedroom and skirting boards. You can use the handy Dulux paint calculator to check your child’s bedroom size vs the paint supplied if need be. But 2.5 litres gets you 32 square meters painted.
The final effect is this:
Ever the thrifty so and so, I have to check, what buy it separately wold cost. Looking at Dulux’s website, are roughly looking at:
- £21.29 for 2.5l matt emulsion
- £11.49 satin wood
- £3.99 adhesive
- 2x£25.49 for 10.05m roll of wall paper, a john lewis kid’s wall paper is approx £30.
Total costs: £88-£90(ish) (excluding postage)
What I like:
The above shows, that the bedroom in a box, is indeed set at a good price, as wll as being convenient. So a tick in my box on price. It is cheaper than going out and getting it yourself and you have the convenience of not having to decide on all the “bits”. I always get muddled with “what type of paint” to buy and am very likely to forget the wall paper adhesive, resulting in another trip to the DIY store.
I also like that the wallpaper comes “pre cut” and ready to hang! Yay. My kind of easy(er) DIY.
I like the look of the colour – I think the green is a nice, fresh, but calm feel. The wall paper looks of great quality and the kids adore the jungle design. I just have to figure out which part of the bedroom it would best fit.
Pip Squeak (4) loved the bold and friendly designs of the Jungle Animals “Look, Mummy!”
Which brings me to my main concerns:
What if the dimensions of the mural do not fit my child’s bedroom. Would it look odd if I chopped off a bit left and right. Or the opposite, what if my wall is bigger, would it look odd if I have a strip of green paint on either side. To answer my own question, it would probably look ok, as it is a mural after all.
The other concern, I guess is the matter of choice. I love the idea of a bedroom in a box, but there really are only two choices – Jungle Adventure Bedroom in a Box and Fairy Princess Bedroom in a Box. Both of which feature a prominent “feature” wall. My kids bedrooms are such, that there is a piece of furniture against every wall. And it would feel a shame to cover up a mural like this with a chest of drawers. BUT, I hear MORE designs are coming soon – Sea Adventure, Peppa Pig, Avengers and Wall Art.. fabulous. What would also be great is, if there was a lovely patterned wallpaper for a child’s bedroom. That would still make the “Bedroom in a box” highly attractive to me!
I would LOVE to hear what you think of this product? Would you get it? If so, which design? The Jungle or the Princess? If not, why not? Dulux are keen to get your genuine feedback!
So, do check out the kids for yourself online:
If you want to find out more about Dulux, you can visit their website, facebook page or contact them on twitter!