Cupcake in a Mug with Love
Soooo, who is ready for a little fun and quirky treat?! Today we have for you a Cupcake in a Mug treat. Sprinkle some hearts on top and you have a perfect little Valentine’s Day idea. These cupcakes in a mug are GREAT fun for kids to make – and are almost like a bit of magic…….. and definitely something I will be doing with the kids soon. Ali from Kids Chaos/ A Green Life For Us, shares this Cupcake in a Mug how to for us today!
Read more of our 31 Days of Love series – a series celebrating fellow bloggers from around the web through the month of January… there are lots of idea covering Valentine’s Day Cards, Valentine’s Day Decorations, Valentine’s Day Treats or Valentine’s Day Gifts.
A really sweet quick after-school snack for my lovely boys tonight, chocolate cake in a mug… this usually creates great guffaws of laughter as they are left to their own devices to play with the measurements, and as ever, tonight, the self-raising flour took charge, and the cake dutifully took to rising….well above the level of the mug!
Cupcake in a Mug – ingredients:
2 dessert spoons of caster sugar
2 dessert spoons of self-raising flour
1 dessert spoon cocoa powder
1 free range egg
1 dessert spoon milk
1 dessert spoon oil
1 dessert spoon of chopped chocolate
optional: add a couple of slices of banana to the mix to add moisture #makebananasfair.
Cupcake in a Mug – method:
Mix the dry ingredients together, add the egg, milk and oil and pop in the microwave for two and a half minutes.
We used Divine Fairtrade Chocolate and cocoa powder, as that’s our chocolate of choice here (don’t mention the milk chocolate toffee and sea salt bar – that’s MINE, and not going anywhere NEAR cake in a cup OR a mug!)
Really fun idea for Valentine’s Day too… make a little paper template, and sprinkle with icing sugar (click here for ‘how to make’ these *heart-hands* seen above)
You may enjoy these 25 Valentine’s Day Treats! Take a peak
or browse the 31 Days of Love posts here!
Or check here for a set of NO CANDY Valentine’s Day Gifts to friends.