Cute Pumpkin Cork Decorations
Oh how we love this time of year! So many fun Autumn Crafts for kids to make, but also wonderful and quirky and fun ideas for Halloween. As my kids get older, they are adoring making more and more fun Halloween Crafts. Make some Cute Pumpkin Cork Decorations with us today.
So my daughter and I decided to paint some champagne corks for Halloween. We have a number of Cork Decorations here already – but mainly Chirstmas Cork Ornaments. These cute pumpkin cork decorations are our first for Halloween!
My daughter was so inspired that she then went off and designed her very own adorable cork witch ornament (scroll down to see it).
Materials for making Pumpkin Cork Decorations:
- Champagne corks
- Paints in the desired colours – we used enamel paints and acrylics in orange, white and black
- Posca Pens for details – though a sharpie would work too
- For the witch, my daughter also used some paper (hat), felt (dress) and purple ribbon

How to paint a cork for Halloween – Jack O’Lantern
These corks designs are SO quick and easy to make – they do however require intervals for drying. In total, I would say you work on them for 5minutes each, but with drying time, we you are looking at a couple of hours. So this is a great craft to make in “batches” – i.e. make a few of these one go. We made three.. but would it be cute to have a whole bunch of them and string them up as cork garlands for Halloween? You would just need to insert a look hook or bent wire into the top of the cork.
The painting process is simple:

1 Paint the “head” of your jack or lantern in orange and let dry fully!
2 Paint a white triangle for the shirt of your Halloween cork and let dry again.
3 Now just colour in the rest of your cork with black paint, and once again let dry fully.

4 Finally, using your posca pens add the details such as bow tie, buttons the Jack O’Lantern features.
Watch the How To make a Pumpkin Cork Decoration video tutorial!
You can also watch the step by step instructional video which is running on auto play! Enjoy!
And here is Pip Squeak’s (almost 10) Witch. Isn’t she cute?!
See all our Halloween Crafts here:
Or watch this video on YouTube!