50 Halloween Crafts & Ideas
Time for more Craft for Kids ideas. Oh how we love Halloween Crafts for Kids!!!! Don’t you just love a little bit of “Halloween Spook”? The one time of year to where you can let your hair down and get ghoulish. Putting this list of Halloween crafts together, really got me all excited and now I can’t wait for the spooky season to begin and have some fun with the kids. Bring on the Halloween celebrations! This section does include some crafts suitable for toddlers and preschoolers, however we have a fantastic dedicated preschool Halloween craft section here.

Easy Halloween Lanterns for Kids

Jack O’Lanterns Jars – This are super easy Jack O’Lantern jars that even young children can help you make. They are quick. Easy fun. Check out the little video to tutorial to see how quickly you can make them!

Frankestein Luminaries – For a differfent, but equally satisfying craft, we have Frankentsein Luminaries. Find out how to achieve this totally smooth finish with paint. Craft Kaboose tells us how.

Bat Luminary – Love the idea of simple shillouhettes… as per Me and My Bucket. Lovely (in a spooky way of course!).

Paper Bag Owl Luminaries – I adore owls and Autumn and Halloween is a perfect time of year to really indulge in them. I love these paper bag luminary owls by NY Cares Art Explorers. What a hoot!

Pumpkin Cinderella – My ALL TIME favourite pumpkin decoration/ luminary, is this Cinderella pumpkin. I fell in love with it when I first saw it and I just want to make it every year for my kids. The idea is from Create With Your Hands. Magical.

Clementine Lanterns – If you don’t have the space or simply don’t like large pumpkins, try your hand on Satusma or Clementine Jack O’Lanterns. Small. Cute. Fun!

Shadow Makers – Or… how about the “reverse” from light – shadows? I love Mini Eco’s Shadow Makers. Beautiful. Head over for a free printable!x
Paper Halloween Crafts
We have a whole section dedicated to Paper Crafts AND Paper Halloween Crafts.. but to whet your appetite, try these first!

This 3d Paper Spider is easy to make and oh so cute. Make it complete with giant paper spider web!

Amazing paper skeleton hand craft! One easy craft, so many uses – from Halloween sensory bin (as shown here), to skeleton hand garland, skeleton hand table decor and more..

Fabulous (and free) Suncatcher Pumpkin Templates!

Do you like gnomes? I do!! There is something ridiculously cute about gnomes.. and here is a set of Shelf Sitter Halloween gnomes, made from paper! Yep.. all you need is some paper and pens and you can make this adorable 3d Paper Gnome decoration.
Halloween Cootie Catcher Game

Those with little one’s stuck indoors for self isolation.. I am super excited to share these Halloween Cootie Catchers for a client – it comes with “tokens” so you can cut those out hide them around the house and have an indoor Scavenger Treats Hunt. Hope it is of help! (Free download) – there is also a quiz version.

Frankenstein Literacy Activity Pack – choose from four printable bookmarks, learn about Mary Shelley and make use of our writing prompts!
Cute Halloween Paper Dolls to Dress Up

Hours of fun with these adorable Halloween Paper Dolls to Dress Up!

More printable fun. Have a SPOOKY Letter Hunt – a great activity to involve the kids and local community. Easy to organise with free letter printables.
Halloween Origami Paper Designs

Day of Dead Bookmark DIYS – I love these Paper Sugar Skull Bookmarks – they are suprisingly easy to make and you can make them just using a normal sheet of printer paper. A great project were “art” meets “crafts” and practical too! Great for slightly older kids!

Super Cute and Easy BLACK CAT Origami – Learn how to make these fabulously Easy Paper Cats for Halloween. The pattern is easy enough even for preschoolers to have a go!

Fun with MORE Black Cats – this is paper cat is based on the origami cup and is an easy make for small hands.

Similarly, turn an origami paper cup into a fun Frankenstein & Eyeball Game.

Origami Bat – Similarly we LOVE making these Easy Origami Bats. They make great wall decorations, but can also double up as Bat Corner Bookmarks. Perfect.

Easy Origami Ghost – Or how about these super cute Origami Ghosts? They are great as a little paper ghost garland or pop them in your book, as a “hug a book” Ghost Bookmark!
Some cute Halloween Greeting Cards!

Easy Halloween Pop Up Cards – This little Ghost Pop Up Card and Spider Pop Up Card is simply the CUTEST! Comes with a complete list of Halloween Jokes, to make these cards spook-tastic!

Having a Monster Party? Send a Monster Card to go with it! Printable templates available.

Have fun with Paper Chains and make this set of different Halloween Character Cards!

Popular Sugar Skull Pop Up Cards!

Easy Pumpkin Pop Up Cards
Toilet Paper Roll Halloween Fun

Cutest little TP Roll Witch & Cat Combo! So easy to make too.

Or make some mini Bat Pinatas! They make great treat boxes or “Boo Your Neighbours” Gifts too!

Learn how to make a TP Roll Spider Windsock! So fun.
Paper Puppets for Halloween – Easy STEAM Project

We have a set of Skeletons to print and decorate – they make great Skeleton paper puppets.. or…

…How fun are these Free Mummy Puppets? Or…

…how about this cute Paper Bat Puppet (with free template!)?
Paper Plate Halloween Crafts

Most adorable Paper Plate Frankenstein Purse! What a cute outfit accessory would this make?

Similarly you can make a Jack O’Lantern purse from paper plates too (cat not included).

Paper Plates are also great as a base for a simple wreath! How about combining fabulous apple stamping with cute wreath making? Adore this Jack O’Lantern Print Wreath!

Super cute Mummy DIY for Preschoolers – I adore this Masking Tape Mummy – it is so simple and yet so cute. The kids will love making and will benefit from the fine motor activity too! Simply darling!

Paper Mache Halloween Bowl – Well.. once you have brought your sweetie stash home, you need to put them somewhere.. or when you are offering your Trick or Treaters their treats, you want a suitable Halloween bowl. Why not have a go at these adorable Paper Mache Bowls from The Long Thread?
Other Halloween Crafts

I made these little pumpkin boxes for Halloween Treats out of recycled SMARTIES tubes.. but of course you can make these 3d Pumpkins just using paper too. Rather like them as party favours though..

How cute are these easy to Sew Pumpkins? We used T-shirt fabric scraps.. but any fabric will do. There are even some “no sew fabric pumpkin” versions!

We love working with Air Drying Clay! Use it to make these cute little Jack O’Lantern Pinch Pots for Kids.

The fairies ALSO love to get ready for Halloween. Why not make them these adorable recycled craft stick Halloween Fairy Doors?

Learn how to make thse fun Halloween Squishies/ Stress Balls!

Make your own Tin Can Bowling Game! We still have these years later. SO fun!

Learn how to make a giant pom pom spider – a great way to decorate large spaces for Halloween!

Have a go at a classic paper mache project – and create a fabulously easy Day of the Dead Pinata!

Or.. if Paper Mache isn’t your think? Try this paper bag post it note Monster pinata. Isn’t it ADORABLE?!

Yarn Wrapped Jack O’Lanterns – reverse them and use them again as Thanks Giving decorations!

Finger Knitted Pumpkins – Super cute Finger Knitted Pumpkins how to. How adorable are these little guys? Finger knitting is easy and fun to learn and there are so many cute things you can make with it!

How about some super duper cute and easy Finger Knitting Spiders? A perfect Halloween Decoration or great for Incy Wincy Spider songs!

Acorn Pumpkins – Ooooh I love crafting with acorns and I love Halloween, so how perfect is it when you combine the two? What cute mini decorations these make from Family Fun.

Egg Carton Pumpkins – Ever since the “great Egg Carton challenge”, I have rediscovered my love for egg carton crafts. So when I came across this cute little craft, I of course was smitten. Mummy Guru gets crafty for Halloween!

Foot or Handprint Frankenstein – Oooh you may know that we are big on Handprint crafts at the moment and have done a whole alphabet on them (well almost a whole one… we will finish it soon), so I DO love this Frankenstein from the Filth Wizardry. They used a hand to do it, but I think a foot would work well too. Check out the post for MORE Halloween crafts!

More fun with Mummies – And if the above was a blast, why not check out these TP Roll Mummies too? Aren’t they brilliant. Easy, fun and the kids will have a blast!!

Easy Trick or Treat Backs – Here is a great post sharing 12 different designs to quickly and easily snazz up those trick or treat bags! Cute! More info and ideas over on Make It Your Own

Clay Handprint Keepsakes – We do love some handprint crafts.. and these clay handprint pumpkins are just adorable. Find out all over on Non Toy Gifts Website!

Easy DIY Spinning Tops – Here is some fun STEAM Science for Halloween. Make these quirky little pumpkin Spinning tops for the kids. Full information on Buggy and Buddy Do!

Flying Bats Diorama for Halloween – How about some adorable Flying Bats? This is a fun interactive Paper Plate craft for kids. Find out all the info here.

Felt Bat – Designed and made by one of se7en’s wonderful children. As you may know, I am a huge fan of this blog and you will ALWAYS find something that will delight you. Like this adorable bat. Go take a look!

Bubbling Brew – If bats are not your thing, then se7en also has some Bubbling Brew for aspiring witches! A great time to explore a little science whilst having some Halloween fun!

Peg Zombies – My goodness, these Zombies are simply perfect! The kids can go crazy in their creative spirit and whatever they make will look fabulous for Halloween! Red Ted loves painting clothes pins and we made some pirates a while back. He will adore these, I am sure! Scrumdilly-Do shares their fab idea. Aren’t they perfect for a Halloween Party activity?

Juggling Eyes – Oooh, I made Superhero juggling balls and Michele Made Me made Eyeball juggling balls! Hilarious! Be sure to check out Tip Junkies top tip for getting the rice INTO the balloon, it made such a difference to our craft!

Or how about some Bath Bomb Eye Balls?! SO fun!

Pompom Pumpkins – Another one of those crafts “earmarked” for the children – teach them to make pompoms! I love the idea of making little Jack OLanterns out of them. Clever! Me and My Shadow shares this cute little Halloween craft with us.

Pasta Skeleton – I have been planning a “pasta craft” with the kids for some time now, just never seem to have gotten round to it. Now we have the perfect idea thanks to Martha Stewart. How cool is this pasta skeleton?!x

Pipecleaner Fingerpuppets – I have seen pipecleaner finger puppets knocking around at Christmas and we do want to give them ago. So when I saw these, I thought they are simply perfect for Halloween? What do you think? A Halloween Craft from Craft Jr. Perfect.

Conker Spiderweb Craft – Love this beautiful and so natural Spider Web Craft over at The Imagination Tree. Isn’t it simplicity beautiful? And apparently conkers keep spiders out. Well I never!

Bead Pumpkins – Another lovely little activity to involve children in, are these little Halloween crafts that Naturally Educational made. Aren’t they adorable? They would look great hanging in windows or from a mobile.

Shimmer Pumpkins – I also adore The Imagination Tree’s shimmer pumpkins – they bring some shine and magic to Halloween and this is a wonderful little craft that small hands can manage too!

Pumpkin Mummy – Another wonderful pumpkin, is this Mummy from Hands On As We Grow – again something that the littlies can help with and that all can enjoy! Pip Squeak would love the fact that there is a “Mummy” and a “Baby”….

Crayon Shaving Pumpkins – Crayon shaving art is something that we are yet to try out. We are slowly getting to the stage that the children have tired of crayons, so now would be a good time to give this ago. I love how The Artful Parent has created these adorable pumpkins (as well as some amazing autumn leaves).

Skull Trick or Treat Bags – Making potato printing (!) cool, Martha Stewart delights us again! Simply BRILLIANT! Trick or treating will be very smart this Halloween.

Pumpkin Bowling – Ok, not really sure under WHAT heading to put this, but this pumpkin bowling is simply the funniest ideas?!!? And so easy and quick to set up! Jeanetics their Halloween Party fun ideas!

Fabric Pumpkins – Me and My Shadow made these lovely little fabric pumpkins – they would be great for kids and adults alike. I know if I made them Pip Squeak would be off with them to her toy kitchen and I wouldn’t see them again!
Fun Halloween Treats for Kids

Super cute and easy Frankenstein Cookie Pops to make!

Skull Cake Pops – Mmmmh. I do love agood cake pop and I love how you can make so many different types. Here we have some Skull Cake Pops, perfect for Halloween indeed!

Sweet Garland – Oh my goodness, how cool and how fun is this every so quick and easy sweety garland by Curlby?!

Ghost Lollipops – I know that these have been around in various guises for quite some time, but I still think they are ADORABLE! Lollipop Ghosts for Halloween treats! How cute! These are from All Halloween Crafts.

Vampire Lollipops – Or if you fancy a change, try these Vampire Lollipops…. oooh they will just make you want to scream! Aaaaah! Craft Kaboose shares.

Spider Lollipop – Ok.. I could go on for ever, so many great lollipop ideas, but just had to sneak in this little Halloween spider. Almost cute! I want one (?!). Preschool Craft, shares!

Marshmallow Dips – If cake pops are beyond you (I must admit, as much as I love them, they ARE a lot of work), check out Mummy Mummy Mum’s simple ghostly treat. Just clever (and yummy).

Skeleton Gingerbread Men – ANY excuse to get those gingerbread cutters out. LOVE. From Our Best Bites. I need say no more. Halloween bakes sorted!

Shrunken Heads – I know I have featured these before on the Autumn Round up, but I love them… and I think we need to see them again. These are perfect for a spooky Halloween night! You see here “Apple Heads”, that become SHRUNKEN HEADS that you get to roast over the bonfire. Come on, which 8yrs old boy wouldn’t LOVE this as an activity!? Go and take a look and read about the yummy cinnamon and sugar coating too!

Brains in a Jar – How hilarious is this “Brain in a Jar”? Surely going to send the shivers down your spine! Living Locurto shares her recipe, as well as sharing some free printables for that perfect finish!

Monster Cake – If one of my children ever want a monster cake, I think I will have to make this one from makoodle! How fab.

Halloween Burgers – I am finding it difficult finding the exact link to the original source for this photo, but I believe it is on Reddit. And it was too good not to share. Makes me want to go and eat a burger with plastic cheese on it!
Fun with DIY Halloween Wreaths

Super easy Jack Skellington Wreath – love the technique to make this – adapte the colour scheme to suit your Halloween Decor.. and the best bit? It is all made from PAPER!!! Yep.. a fabulous Paper Halloween Wreath!

Learn how to make a Newspaper Monster Wreath! A frugal wreath idea for kids to help make! And doesn’t it look effective?!

Garlic Wreath – BRILLIANT. What else do I need to say??? Stylish, clever, perfect. It has Halloween written all over it. BC Living shows how to make this Garlic Wreath!

Googly Eye Wreath – Oooh how goulish to have 100s of little googly eyes stare at you as you knock on that door… check out this adorable and yet spooky wreath from The Country Chic Cottage.

Feathery Googly Wreath – Another eyeball wreath – but love the touch of black feathers. Fave Crafts shares their Halloween tutorial.

Bat Wreath – I love the simplicity of this bat halloween wreath and have to say that often “simple is best”.. this lovely Halloween Wreath idea is by Made On Maple go visit for full tutorial as well as other Halloween Craft ideas.
DIT Halloween Costumes
We have some DIY Hallowen Costumes that kid can make last minute here.. but if you have a little more time and are planning ahead, check these out!

No Sew Tutu – Make this no sew tutu in Halloween colours, wear black and hey presto, you have either a cute witches outfit or an abstract pumpkin outfit or maybe a pirate-y one. And I know I am bias, but isn’t Pip Squeak ADORABLE!

Similarly, a very COST EFFECTIVE solution is to make a witch outfit using bin liners. Genius!

Make a cool Frankenstein Mask from PAPER PLATES! With template. SO cool.

Spider Costume – Need some last minute costume ideas? How how about this brilliant Spiders Costume? Brilliant. Esp love the googly eye hat. Again Craft Kaboose does their thing!

Skull Masks – Check out these simple paper plate masks – a quick craft to go with a last minute costumer (either dress all in black or all in white), yet beautifully design. Great for the “Day of the Dead” too. Scrumdilly Do shares.

Umbrella Bat – Oh my goodness, I love the idea of using an old umbrella and converting it in this amazing bat costume… apparently perfect for last minute Halloween craftiness. From Evil Mad Scientist. I love.

DIY Prisoner Costume – This is such s fun Prisoner Costume idea and so very simple too! Love how easy and fun this to put together. A great last minute costume idea!

Batman Costume – And we made a batman costume out of The Englishman old suit trousers. Doesn’t it look fab? It was relatively quick to make and uses a black pair of trousers and a black t-shirt. Change them as your child grows and get more wear out of your costume!

Frankenstein Costume – And just to finish off.. I have to share this totally adorable little Frankestein Costume from Parenting.com. And you know.. this Halloween costume doesn’t even look that difficult to make! No sewing, just glueing, what more could you ask for?!
So… are you ready for Halloween? I do hope you found lots of Halloween Crafts and Halloween Ideas to inspire you to GET CRAFTY!
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