DIY Foldable Take Along Train Set
Oh my oh my oh my! How I love it when we make something… and then one of my lovely readers sends me AMAZING photos of their version of our craft.. today we have a Fold Away Take Along Train Track Book by Adriana G! Yep, a bit of a mouthful, but you need it all (actually, I should add “upcycled cereal box” too). A few weeks ago, we made a cute little Fold Away Doll’s House (including a free Printable), that went down a treat with the kids (and my readers). Now we have the same craft, but redone as a train set.This shows you the overall set up of Adriana’s book. The front cover when “folded away”, a detailed scene and what the book looks like from above!
If you need the step by step guide as to how to make the Cereal Box Train Track Set, pop over to the Doll’s House for instructions. Adriana told me that the children and her used a mixture of magazines, old books (broken, I am sure) and stickers. I love that the kids got really involved in designing their train set.
She also says that “they call “time portal” to the tunnels, because it takes them to another place…”so fast!!!” bless them! So cute.
Detail from one of the pages. Just love how well it lends itself to be used with these mini trains and how great it looks with “tunnels” and train stations.
All for train track scenes. So fun. It really does go from the city, to the country side and back. What fun for taking along on holiday or to the restaurant to keep the kids busy. It just folds away nicely and pops into your bag!
The best thing is, is that this is a recycled project – all you need is some old cereal boxes, paper, magazines and maybe a tired or damaged old book. Oh and of course some stickers. Or visit our Doll’s House version, where we drew the details on, also a great way to make this!