How to Make a Taggie Blanket – Easy Sewing Project
Aaaah though my kids are now 7yrs and 5yrs… and many of our friends have “done” the baby “thing”, there is a new wave of babies around us… so lovely indeed. And as with previous friend’s babies, I LOVE to make my own baby gifts. In the past, I used to knit an adorable little beanie hat… but I have made one those in a while (and would need to find that patter). WE have also had a go at sewing baby shoes… this time I wanted to try my hand at Taggies Blankets. I made two different Taggies Blanket – one crinkley one – for day time sensory play and one “quiet” one, for night time cuddles. The key to Taggies Blankets is to find lots of different textured ribbons and materials if possible.. so here they are.. our Taggies Blanket How to:
To make a Taggies Blanket you will need:
- Fabric “scraps” our are approximately 20cm x 20cm but there is no “rule to how big or small”
- For the crinkley one – a washed and dried cereal packet liner – things makes a fabulously crinkly sound!
- Assorted ribbons – I went through my big pile of ribbons and looked for as many different textures as possible
- Pins
- Ideally a sewing machine (so much faster!!!!-
This Taggies Blanket sewing project is a CLASSIC example where sewing is ALL ABOUT the PREPARATION – the sewing itself was swiftly done.. the preparation of the Taggies Blanket too much longer.
1) First get your materials ready – I had a lovely Hot Air Balloon fabric as my “main” fabric. Some fleece (upcycled, but I chose it for it’s softness) and of course the cereal packet liner. I then spent ages sorting through my ribbons.. well it was fun.
2) Then I started pinning pieces of ribbon in place. Mine were varying lengths 8- 10cm. Again a matter of taste! Place your MAIN Fabric FACE UP and pin your ribbons FACING IN.
3) Then place your second fabric on top FACING DOWN. And your cereal packet liner on top of that.
4) The next step is kind of repeating the first step.. basically, I repinned the pins all the way round – i.e. took them out oft he bottom layer and repinned through all 3 fabrics. Of course you could “miss” step 1 out.. but I find it easier and neater if you do it this way..
5) Once repinned, run the taggies blanket through the sewing machine, leaving a small gap for turning inside out.
6) Turn inside out and hand sew the ends of your Taggies Blanket shut!
Ta daaaaa. You have made your very first Taggies Blanket!!!!
Want to see how it is done AGAIN? I couldn’t resist taking photos of our second Taggies Blanket that we made.. this one is a “quite one”.
1) Fabric UP and ribbons pointing in
2) Second fabric placed on top FACE DOWN.
3) Repin.
4) Sew.
5) Turn tagges blanket inside out.
6) Sew the ends of your taggies blanket shut!
And finished! Two fun and pretty little Taggies Blankets that will hopefully bring lots of joy to my friends’ babies!!!
Here are some great more ideas for babes in arms.
- And take a look at these adorable Baby Shower Party ideas.
- Love the extension idea of turning these taggies blankets into sensory toys by Moms and Crafters.