Emotions Santa Printable

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This Christmas is all about feelings, emotions and SEL resources. Earlier we brought a fabulous Emotions Snowman Colouring Page.

Paper Fidget Toy for Christmas & Winter

Emotional Santa - SEL resources for Christmas

Today, we have this fantastic Emotions Santa printable and paper toy. And it isn’t just Santa.. he comes complete with Emotions Snowflake, Snowman and Star! This is a collaboration with the very talented Hattifant! Browse all our Christmas Printable Resources here!

Hattifant is a gorgeous designer, who has fantastic set of printables. My current favourite are:

Emotions Santa Printable Kaleidoscope:

  • Your printable Santa or printable Snowflake
  • Printer
  • Coloring Pens
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick

This continues to be a FREE resource to Red Ted Art readers. Simply add HoHoHo at check out to get 100% discount! Enjoy! You will get both the Santa and Snowflake to download!

For your Santa and Snowflake
More wonderful SEL resources for SEN teachers and parents
How lovely are the Snowman and Star? So cute!
For your Snowman and Star on Hattifant’s website!

How to use the Emotional Santa & Snowflake Paper Toy

There is no “one way” to use the paper toy. However, we love telling little stories that are “endless”. For example:

Santa is all happy excited about delivering his gifts.

He is feeling a little crazy as there is so much to do.

Now he is worried that he won’t get it all done.

He is crying because he thinks he has lost a gift.

Ah, no everything is ok – he found it! Yay.

That is our little story. But how can this help your child? Maybe your child is looking forward to Christmas, it makes them feel very excited and a little crazy. Suddenly everything gets a bit much…?

How to make your emotions Santa Kaleidoscope

Making these Emotional Santa Paper Toys is likely to be a collaborative effort – the kids can colour and of course play, but they will need adult assistance in assembling the paper toys.

So please include time to help with this. Or schedule it in as part of the activity – e.g. the kids colour and cut. You fold and glue whilst they go out to play!

Emotional Santa - SEL resources for Christmas

Many of you will be familiar with the Kaleidscope paper toys. We have shared with you some Pokemon Evolutions Kaleidoscopes before, as well as gorgeous set of Winter Flextangle Paper Toys. The process is the same, but with the new SEL resources designs.

Here is the video tutorial for our Winter Kaleidocycles:

Step by step photo instructions

How to make a Santa Paper Toy

Step 1: colour in your Santa and snowflakes!

Step 2: Carefully cut out your Santa Kaleidoscope

How to make a Santa Fextangle

Step 3: make your neat DIAGONAL creases as directed on the flextangle printable – be sure to make them as neat and strong as possible. Then again diagonally in the other direction.

How to make a Santa Paper Toy

FLIP the paper once finished and fold the horizontal lines.

Note, that one set is folded in one direction, the other set in the opposite direction.

How to make a Santa Paper Kaleidoscope

Step 4: if the creases are made strongly and in the right direction, you should be able to now push the paper together and it will pop into the kaleidoscope form. If it is the case, add some glue and secure in place. If you are finding it difficult to “pop” the folds in place. Unfold and refold the creases to make them more secure.

How to make a Santa Paper Kaleidoscope


Check out the Emotions Snowman for SEL resources here:

Emotions Snowman - SEL Resources for Kids
SEL Resources – Emotions Snowman

Both these resources, would go REALLY well with this set of Emotional Regulation Activities for kids. Do check them out!

More wonderful Free Christmas Printables here: