Paper Toys: Flextangles for Christmas & Winter

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Sooo we have one last fabulous little printable in time for Christmas for you….. we have some CHRISTMASSY FLEXTANGLES. Actually, I have a WINTER FLEXTANGLE for you, but my fellow bloggers have 4 other sets for you to choose from. Today’s Flextangle PLUS 4 others are all by Hattifant – I have shared links below to the other 4 patterns for you to visit and download for free!

Wonderful Winter Flextangle Printables - free to download super fun to make and play with (1)
 These Winter Paper Toys were first shared in Dec 2016 and have been updated and republished for your convenience!

Supplies needed to make your Winter Fidget Toy:

Great colouring pens for kids - faber castell

I have been asked a number of times what pens we use and have (I am NOT being paid to promote these, we genuinely love our set) – we have this set from Faber Castell, they are brilliant and I highly recommend them! (affiliate links)

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  • Printer and paper
  • Coloring pens and or penciles
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick (good quality!)
  • Your free printable winter fidget toy (add the 100% Discount Code of LovelyReader at check out for this freebie!)

We also have a wonderful Christmas edition exploring EMOTIONS with our special Santa Emotions Flextangle. Great when all that Christmas spirit gets just that little bit too much! Santa and snowflake are also free!

Emotional Santa - SEL resources for Christmas

This is how you assemble your Flextangle:

Flextangles or kaleidoscopes are super fun paper toys! But they do take a little care and time to color and assemble. They are perfect for slightly older students who will love this neverending paper fidget toy. You can watch how to put one together in this video. Or follow the step by step instructions that I have added from our Santa Kaleidoscopes! If you prefer, you can also watch this video tutorial on my YouTube channel.

Step by step photo instructions

As mentioned, we have a step by step photo tutorial too. I did borrow it from our fun emotions Santa. He comes as a pair of two – the snowflake and santa. Again, a great collaboration with Hattifant!

How to make a Santa Paper Toy

Enjoy coloring you Santa Coloring Pages

Step 1: colour in your Santa and snowflakes!

Step 2: Carefully cut out your Santa Kaleidoscope

How to make a Santa Fextangle

Create your Kaleidoscope folds – take your time over these

Step 3: make your neat DIAGONAL creases as directed on the flextangle printable – be sure to make them as neat and strong as possible. Then again diagonally in the other direction.

How to make a Santa Paper Toy

FLIP the paper once finished and fold the horizontal lines.

Note, that one set is folded in one direction, the other set in the opposite direction.

How to make a Santa Paper Kaleidoscope

Final assembly of your paper fidget toy

Step 4: if the creases are made strongly and in the right direction, you should be able to now push the paper together and it will pop into the kaleidoscope form. If it is the case, add some glue and secure in place. If you are finding it difficult to “pop” the folds in place.

We have also have these Flextangle designs on following websites:

Did you enjoy these paper fidget toys? Well why not make the WHOLE set! As mentioned, this is a free paper toy collaboration with a number of fantastic bloggers and websites!

Wonderful Winter Flextangle Printables - free to download super fun to make and play with (2)

Aren’t they gorgeous? Head over to these sites for your copies!!

If you want more wonderful Christmas Printables, check out this collection: 

Christmas Printables