Finding Dory Slime DIY
If you love Finding Dory like us and are looking for some Finding Dory DIYs and Activities, we have a WHOLE SET of them for you, including this super fun and simple Glitter Slime (Take a peak at our Finding Dory Bookmarks too!). I have to confess, it is the first time we had a go at how to make slime and the kids ADORED IT!!!! It is super easy (certainly easier than I thought) and lots of fun. Now we have all the supplies to hand we will definitely be making MORE DIY Slime. We decided to give our first batch of slime a “Finding Dory Slime” theme. Well why not? So fun to mix different materials for some sensory exploratory play, right?!
UPDATE: the recipe and how to video has been removed from this post, since using Borax and Laundry detergent for Kids’ Activities is unsafe. There has been a case of skin burning, and several cases of itchy skin resulting from use of these materials. And we no longer recommend to use them.
A safe and still fun “slime” for kids is Oobleck. Check that out instead!
Just add any under water sea creatures, shells and stones… and see what happens.
My kids actually LOVE to pull the slime apart.. as the slime ages, it gets a bit more like silly putty. I can’t wait to make it again!!!
Have fun!!!!