How to Make Oobleck Slime
If you are looking for something fun and simple to do during a rainy Sunday afternoon or if the holidays are upon you and stretching endlessly ahead.. have a go at making some Oobleck or SLIME! This is super fun and fascinating and is quickly and easily set up with every day kitchen materials.. Oobleck is super fascinating, as it constantly moves between being a liquid and a solid. So as you shape it and mould it, it starts to melt away, like magic. If you are looking for other easy slime recipe with NO BORAX, we have a great collection for you to explore here!
To make your Oobleck Slime you will need:
- A cup of cornflour
- UPTO one cup of water
- food colouring (optional)
Make your Oobleck Slime:
1) Place your cornflour and some food colouring into a bowl.
2) Gradually add your water and start mixing.. until you have a slime/ solid consistency.
3) If need be add a little water.. or cornflour depending on which you need!
DONE. Play.
Watch the How to make Oobeck Slime video and see the fluid in motion
Want to understand more about Non Newtonian Fluids? Hop over to Science Sparks and read more!