Gifts Kids Can Make: Button Bracelets

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Our fascination with Buttons continue… I am determined to actually use the buttons we have. Making button bracelets is a great “classic” button craft and also works well as Gifts Kids Can Make for Mother’s Day or for a friend. They are really easy to make and fun. You can make your button bracelets all one colour, two tone or add as many colours as your like. You can “stack” your bottons, or keep them simple. Really, it is a great way for you and the kids to explore and experiment. And as Button Bracelets are quick and easy to make, you can always start again.

Gifts Kids Can Make - Button Bracelets

Button Crafts - Bracelets

Here is a very simple Butotn Bracelet How To… I decided to go with photos and just a little instructions….

To make your button bracelet you will need:

* buttons
* a thin piece of elastic for threading

We decided to “order” our buttons and alternate green and white ones.. this gives it a “green” and a “white” side to your bracelet. But it really doesn’t matter.

It was just a fun way to sort through all the buttons and see how many we had..

And then it is “simple”….

Thread one button.

Then then next.

You can sort of “push them into place”, so that the green ones are looking and the white ones looking down, but they do this naturally anyway.

Carry on until you have enough buttons to fit around your wrist.

Tie a knot into the elastic.

Your Button Bracelet is now finished.


Button Bracelets - Gifts Kids Can Make

Experiment with colours, shapes and sizes.


More Button Crafts here:

Lots of Button Craft ideas here!

40 GORGEOUS & Wonderful Button Crafts

Looking for more DIY Friendship Bracelets ? Here are some great ones for Summer Camp and beyond!
11 Friendship Bracelets. These are great for Summer Camp or for making and sending to your friends over the long summer holidays!

Hope you like them!