Heart Pencil Toppers – Super Quick & Easy

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We randomly made some super quick and easy Heart Pencil Toppers today (I guess with all this talk of easy pipecleaner crafts, how can you not). They were rather addictive and Pip Squeak wanted more and more and more… these would be great as last minute Valentine’s Gifts to friends or as party favours. Easy and fun for sure!

Pencil Topper Heart

NOTE: this post was first published in Feb 2013, we republished it, because it is so sweet!

Heart Pencil Topper Materials:

  • a pipecleaner
  • a pencil
  • (glue optional)

Heart Pencil Topper How To Video:

Heart Pencil Topper Step by Step Photo How To

Heart Pipecleaner

1) Fold the pipecleaner in half.



2) Fold the long ends over the pointy middle to form an M.

pipecleaner crafts

3) Pinch together to form and heart and twist.

heart pencils

4) Position your pencil and start wrapping one strand of the pipecleaner round it.

5) Repeat with the other strand to make your pipecleaner pencil topper. (note how you can criss cross the strands or just wrap them round)

If need be you can glue them on as well.

Now do remember, that these will stay on, but if played with may fall off. Just pop them back on. Or… if your child really MINDS, you can always GLUE them on (would make a nice fairy wand too!).

What do you think of our heart pencil topper? Don’t you agree they make a lovely last minute Valenine’s gift? And check out Zing Zing Tree’s adorable little hearts with beads at the centre. They are gorgeous too!