How To… Make Cutlery Wind Chimes
Learn how to make some easy cutlery wind chimes with no specialist tools required! A fun thrifty and quirky Garden Craft for the family.

I made this Fork & Spoon Wind Chime almost a year ago (wow, time does “fly”). At the time it was for the Tesco Summer Magazine.
Wonderful to be featured there along side some of our cardboard tube pirates and salt dough crafts.
All great activities for long holidays. Finally, it seems like a good time to share this craft with you – Spring is in the air and we are slowly looking forward to spending more time in garden – planting seeds soon, but I also hoping to make our very small garden more child friendly and interesting – hoping to sort out a drawing “station” and maybe a music station. Let’s see what we manage!
But in the meantime, I have some easy and fun wind chimes for you – great for that tinkering and tingling in the garden!
Materials: Set of old forks and spoons, picked up from the charity shop, beads, string, craft wire, a stick for hanging from, wire cutters (and a cup of tea whilst you craft..)
1) Select your cutlery and see how many fit nicely on your stick
2) Take approximately 20cm of wire. Secure at the bottom of the fork or spoon handle with a bead
3) Start winding it around the handle adding beads as you go. Add a little loop at the top from which to tie your string next.
4) Add a bead or two to your string an attach! Repeat with all the wind chime cutlery. Then attach them to you stick. Remember you want them all spaced out evenly, but not too far apart – you want them to be able to bang together and give you that tinkering tingle!
Finished, hang in a windy area and enjoy! Now you really can hear the wind in your garden? Is it a windy day today or a calm one? Red Ted loves listening out to the chimes and hearing what is going on with the weather! Enjoy your cutlery wind chimes!
More Garden Crafts here: