Junk Modelling Robots for Preschoolers
Welcome to Kids Get Crafty with a Preschool Craft Classic! A fabulous Recycled Project for little ones.
This week we have a craft chosen by Red Ted 2-3 weeks ago. It is (as is supposed to be!) based on a book we were reading: Harry & The Robots. When we had finished it, Red Ted jumped up and demanded to make Robots. Well Robot making does take some thought… and this is how we fared… Junk Modelling Robots are the best for this.
The Book – Harry and The Robots
Harry and The Robots, by Ian Whybrow.
This is the story of Harry. He has a toy robot that breaks. His Granny sends the toy off to be mended and suggest they make some of their own whilst the robot is away. That night however Granny falls ill and is taken to hospital. Harry decides to make his own Robots and then sneaks them into hospital to help Granny get better! He makes LOADS in all shapes and sizes. Red Ted (3) thoroughly enjoyed the book, loved all the little robots and as mentioned above ran off and wanted to make his own.
Junk Modelling Robots
The book is actually a perfect inspiration – as there are indeed about 5 different robots that are all different and basically say “use what you have and let your imagination run wild”.
We made two robots on consecutive days as Red Ted enjoyed the process so much. I will tell you what we used to make them, but don’t worry if you don’t have the same materials – let your imagination and your materials take you somewhere different!
Materials for Junk Modelling Robots
Pink Robot Materials:
- small box (a mug arrived in this),
- 4 Bubble bottles (finally a use!),
- a bubble blowing stick (for antenna),
- upside down yoghurt pot for head,
- 3 lids (one large, 2 small),
- googly eyes,
- pink arcylic paint,
- scissors,
- PVA glue and
- brushes
Blue Robot Materials:
- a medium box (ours isn’t actually a box, the sides where “open”),
- 4 loo rolls,
- some corrugated card,
- 2 large lids,
- 10 small lids,
- googly eyes,
- blue arcylic paint,
- scissors,
- masking tape,
- PVA glue and
- brushes
We made the pink recycled robot first:

1) I made some holes for the arms and legs and stuck the bubble bottles in. Added a little glue to keep them in place – now the buttons are added at the very end, and we found with both robots, that they made the robots topple – i.e. the leg position needs to be different OR you can fill the legs or the box with rice/ stones or something to weigh it down? Just a thought for you to learn from my “mistakes”.
2) I asked Red Ted what colour he wanted and he shouted pink. He has a REAL thing about me not mixing paint, so I mixed red and white in the kitchen were he couldn’t see it = you learn when you craft with toddlers *sigh*.
3) He then painted the WHOLE LOT. Normally he is bored half way through and asks me to finish it, but he INSISTED to paint it all himself. I held the robot for him and turned it round and pointed to the white bits that need more paint. I was so proud of him.
4) Let dry.
5) Stick on Googly eyes, buttons and antenna – I found lots of PVA worked fine, save for the antenna, where I later used superglue (personal note: don’t EVER use superglue with kids around, I think it just too tempting). Red Ted also decided to draw on the buttons a little. I think it is cute!
Next the Blue Robot from Recycled Materials
For the blue one, we stuck the loo rolls on with lots of masking tape – it has to masking tape, as paint won’t stay on “packing tape”. We used rather a lot, as we also “closed the sides” of the box with tape. For the head, we just rolled up the corrugated card and taped in place. The rest is as before. Note – this one really does topple as it has SOOOO many buttons, but I think either some weights or some “feet” could resolve the problem. Also, that last photo shows me adding lots of extra glue AROUND the buttons to help keep them on. These robots, sadly are not 1-yrs-old safe!!! But are fine for almost 3 year olds!
Play some more. And we did!! YAY!

More fun Recycled Crafts here: