How to make Paper Fortune Cookies
With Chinese New Year around the corner, we are starting to have a think about different Chinese New Year’s Crafts to do. Without fail, our favourite Chinese New Year’s Craft to date, have been our little Dragon Puppets that come with a handy free printable. In fact, I am going into Pip Squeak class again this year to make some more. We also had a go at some super pretty and super easy PAPER FORTUNE COOKIES – paper crafts are the best.
How to make paper fortune cookies

Though many Chinese will tell you that you don’t actually get fortune cookies in China, fortune cookies still are associated in Western cultures with the mystics of Chine and DO build on many Chinese sayings and superstitious customs.
What I love about these paper fortune cookies, is that they are totally customisable – use pretty “girly” colours or go for auspicious reds and golds. Write messages of luck or write messages of wisdom. I also think these would be fun at a party with some simple “truth or dare” type games -but remember, be kind!!!
These paper fortune cookies would also make a great New Year’s Eve party activity! Kids will love them all year round. I am sure you can use them at birthdays or Valentine’s Day too so fun!
Paper Fortune Cookies Materials

- Some pretty paper – we used origami paper to make our Paper Fortune Cookies
- A circular something as a stencil – we used a small bowl
- Pens
- Scissors
- GLUE – we used a hot glue gun as they work so quickly. Ordinary PVA glue or a good glue stick works too, but you will have to be patient and hold your fortune cookie whilst it dries
Note: some people call these origami fortune cookies, but they aren’t really, as there is cutting and gluing involved! These really is just fortune cookie shaped craft!
How to make your paper Fortune Cookies:
We have a quickly little fortune cookie video tutorial for you! Of you can follow the step by step directions. You will see how very quick and easy these are to make. Great as some New Year’s Eve fun too!
Step-by-step instructions with photos
So let’s take a look at these DIY Paper Fortune Cookies with our step by step photos!

Cut your fortune cookie circle
Trace a cricle with a pencil around your bowl or small plate. Next, carefully cut your circle – if there is an “edge” left over, use this to write your message on. If not, write your message on an ordinary strip of paper!
(The bowl we used to trace had a small diameter – you can see the pen for reference).

Make your first fold and secure
Fold over you fortune cookie paper ad glue down (do not crease the edge).
Insert your message.

Squeeze the fortune cookie to shape
Using your thumb, squeeze the centre of the edge inwards. And create that iconic cookie shape.

Secure fortune cookie in place
Keep folding until the two ends meet. Glue in place. This is where a hot glue gun really is great! And now your paper fortune cookie is finished! Ta daaaaa.
Happy New Year to your all!
Paper Fortune Cookies Video How To on YouTube:
The video tutorial is also available on my youtube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
See more great New Year’s Eve Crafts here: