Quick Craft Post: (Autumn) Sensory Box


Just a quick post to share our Sensory Box with you… I have never ever made a sensory box before (not sure why), but have been joining in with the Play Challenge over at The Imagination Tree and Hands On As We Grow. There are so many different play ideas coming from both the blogs, that it is really worth a visit! Today’s challenge was a sensory box… with items from around the house. My sensory bin is so basic, but I do think this Fall Farm Sensory Bin is super cute.. and why not find out here if Are sensory bins really worth the mess?!

What we have plenty of at the moment are conkers, pine cones and sticks.. so without even meaning to, we created a very simple Autumn Sensory box:

sensory box autumn

Some dried pasta (there are many great Food Sensory Bin Ideas here), Conkers (large and small), Pine Cones, Shells (?), Sticks and some colourful feathers. We added some random strawberries that I made ages ago (did I mention that we harvested some strawberries at the weekend? Crazy for November!). Spoons for scooping and pots for putting things in. A lovely journey of discovery – the conkers feel cold, the sticks warm. The feathers tickle one end and a pokey at the other. And Pip Squeak adored finding the conkers with the spoon, scooping them up and putting them in the little pot whilst pretending to count. Lovely.

If you like the idea of exploring the 4 seasons – check out Sun Hat & Wellie Boots’s blog for her wonderful 4 seasons discovery bottles. Fabulous!