Quick Craft Post: St Martins Laterne
A very very quick post, that I wanted to share, as it means a lot to us.. though the photos are quite poor. We went back to the German Playgroup this evening to celebrate St Martins Day (it is tomorrow, more about it from our post last year!), a day when you traditional go on a Lantern Walk in the dark. I think it is such a magical experience for kids and I am so pleased that my kids get a chance to have take part. AND… someone turned two today!
Remember the Halloween Lanterns, we made a much simpler version and yet they were adorable:
A plastic bottle cut in half, tissue paper, a wire, an electronic tea light and a twig… you have a lantern.
Photos taken on phone, so apologies for graininess…
And… Happy Birthday Darling Little Girl. I love you!