Rainbow Cork Penguin Ornaments


Today I have a relatively quick but oh so cute DIY Christmas Ornament for you – more specifically DIY Christmas Cork Ornaments! It may be early for some of you to start thinking “Christmas”, but these little guys make great FUND RAISERS at school fairs and similar. If you have a production line set up, you can make them quickly, easily and cheaply!! And you do NEED to start collecting those corks now! Today we are making rainbow cork penguin ornaments (what a mouthful!).


To take a peak at our new Christmas Ornament Book. 30 of our favourite ornaments brought together in one place. Sorted by age. Each craft is shared on one page – making the perfect worksheet print outs. Lovely to have them all in one place too!

Only $7.99

Get yours today and keep it forever!

I actually used some champagne corks (or fizz to be more precise) from a friend’s leaving do last summer. I saved them for her and promsed to make some little Christmas decorations for her tree… to remember her old neighbours by!! So I always feel that our Christmas Cork DIYs also make great memories and keepsakes!

So. Let’s get making.

Rainbow Cork Penguin Ornaments – Materials

  • one cork per penguin
  • a little craft wire
  • acrylic paint in black and white and a little orange (though you can also use a sharpie)
  • strips of scrap felt
  • a little glue

Rainbow Cork Penguin Ornaments – How To


Cut a piece of craft wire, loop it on itself. Use your wire cutter to make a hole on the top of the cork and then insert the wire. Add a blob of stong PVA glue just to help secure it (but you may find that you don’t need it!).


In retrospect, I am reversing my instructions to you next. I first painted my white part of the penguin and then black…. but I decided that it is easier to paint your cork black and once FULLY dry add some white acrylic for the penguin’s face and body! If working with kids, this way round is MUCH easier.

Whilst drying, cut some brightly coloured felt strips! Long enough to fit around your penguin! Cut “tassles” into the end of your felt.

You can now add some little dots as eyes. I left the beak until last, as wanted to position it relatively to the scarves.


Wrap the scarves around (add a dab of glue if you wish, to secure them in place).

Finally paint or draw on a peak and your little penguins are done!!


If you LOVE DIY Christmas Ornaments, take a peak at these:Christmas Ornaments for Kids to make