Reading Eggs Word Family Printables
Disclaimer: this post is sponsored by the Reading Eggs and contains free printable learning resources for you!
CVC Word Family Puzzle Eggs
It can be hard to learn your words, right?! So, we created some really fun CVC Word Family Puzzle Eggs for you to practise with.
You can colour, cut, and puzzle while learning your CVC word families. We have teamed up with Reading Eggs to bring to you these fun Word Family Puzzle Eggs.
There are 4 CVC Word Families to choose from: -at, -ed, -in and -un. There is also a blank CVC Word Family Egg available for you to use so you can practise others e.g. -ar, -ut as well. You can find some CVC short e words here too!

How to play & learn with our Word Family Egg Puzzles

To make your Word Family Printable Egg Game – you will need:
- printable (enter £0 at check out!)
- paper,
- pencil & coloring pens,
- scissors
Enter £0 at check out to get this printables!

Colour in your eggs
Start off by colouring in both egg shapes. Use the same colours for both eggs if you prefer an easier puzzle experience.
It is also a great opportunity for kids to explore colours, matching and symmetry when coloring both eggs in at the beginning.
Cut out your eggs
Then cut the A4 page in half. Now you have one A5 page with the egg and its sound (-at, -ed, -in or -un) and another A5 page with the puzzle pieces (on it the CVC family words).
Cut out the egg shape with the puzzle pieces and then the puzzle pieces.
This a great opportunity to practice those cutting skills – the shapes are simple and yet the students will still have to cut “round” and straight lines!
Ready to play and practice Word Families?
Done! Your CVC Word Family Puzzle Egg is ready! You can start puzzling!
MIX IT! Get all 4 CVC Word Families ready and mix up all the puzzle pieces. Then find the right puzzle piece for each egg and complete each CVC Word Family Puzzle Egg.

BLANK CVC Word Family Puzzle Egg – We created a printable for you without any sound and CVC Word Family so you can add the ones you need to practise.

We hope you will enjoy this craft. There are many more to explore such as…
Happy Reading!!
Reading Eggs makes learning to read easy and fun for ages 2 –13. Enjoy 30 days FREE access now!