Sponsored Video: Create & Make with Childline
When I was contacted to see whether I wanted to write about this new Create & Make competition launched by Childline and Bafta, I knew I simply “had to”.
Even before having children, I felt that Childline was doing invaluable work, helping children with problems on all sorts of levels. Sometimes just having someone to talk to, who believes in you and who you can speak to anonymously is all that it takes to start helping a child to get help and help them change an intolerable situation.
Now that I am a mother, I feel even more protective of all children around me and respect the work that Childline is doing.
So how can I not support such a wonderful organisation, especially since their challenge and competition is fabulous!!!
The competition is all about creating a story board along the theme of “Helping others”. I love getting my children into story telling in every which way possible. We have made story cubes in the past, which is a great start for those of us who find it a little tricky and don’t know “where to start”. Then a few weeks ago, we made some superhero puppets (super easy btw, just some printing, cutting and sticking) and its sparked all sorts of theatre play since. I have heard some wonderful stories emerging from Red Ted’s bedroom.
And I think that this story board idea is a great next step for us!
I love the theme of “Helping Others” – a great opportunity to reinforce, such an important trait in your children – thinking about others, who may need assistance and what you can do help.
What is even better about it, is that, your child writes their story and.. should they win… their story will be made into a short film. They Create and then Bafta & Childline Make! How cool is THAT?
They do not need to worry about their artistic ability, as this is all about the story. So fret not. Download a storyboard template and give it a go!
Find out more in this great short video:
I you are feeling a little worried, I say.. just “start”. You can print off as many templates as you like and just give it a go. Sometimes one idea sparks off the next. Who knows where it will lead you. Be sure to only submit one final version though.
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