Stick Craft Ideas for Kids
When my kids were little they used to LOVE collecting sticks. Sticks at the park, beach wood at the beach.. always sticks. So we have rather a collection of them and I thought a Stick Crafts For Kids inspiration was in order.
Easy Stick Crafts for Kids

Ideas for crafting with sticks

Let’s kick things off with some SUPER QUICK Stickman How To. Really it doesn’t get much faster than that. It is also one the crafts featured in Red Ted Art the book! Go take a peak and order your copy now!

We used little sticks and twigs to make these Four Seasons Stick Trees! A lovely exploration of the seasons every quarter.

Combine sticks with and conkers for this autumnal God’s Eye!

Here is one for LARGE Sticks. We also love using sticks in our general crafting – a stick from our walk, became the Hobby Horse’s stick.

Whatever the season – autumn or summer, sticks are always a great Nature Mobiles! Easy and fun. Here we have an Autumn Mobile, as well as Shell Mobile!

Sticks make great canvas art projects. How gorgeous and simple is this Stick Heart Canvas for Valentines?

Find the right shaped stick on the beach and you can make some nature rattles.

Sticks also form a great basis for a nature tic tac toe (noughts and crosses). Here we pained some bee rocks and ladybird rocks.. but you could also leave them plain and play mini pine cone vs rocks or other nature finds.

I LOVE Sun Hats & Wellie Boots’s stick hedgehog, it is just so wonderful. One of my favourite stick crafts. We had a go at this with saltsdough and it was lovely (though make sure your saltdough is firm or else it will spread and all the sticks will fall out!!)

Blue Bear Wood shares her girls fabulous stick and clay creation – making Wall Flowers with felt and sticks.. They look great as features hanging from the wall (I would be so tempted to hang some seasonal decorations from it.. but I suspect that that is NOT the point of them!

Liz from Me and My Shadow has some adorable willow heart wreaths, I SOOO want to make some.

Here is another dogwood heart decoration. So simple and effective!
So! I do hope you enjoyed this list of Stick Craft Ideas! And that you have found some inspiration to get crafty with sticks. Would love to hear what your favourite stick crafts are! Do let tag me on social media!
See our full collection of Colourful Nature Crafts for Kids here: