story + art = great stART – Drum Roll Please
Remember a couple of weeks ago we did some Loo Roll Watches (these were hugely popular, so if you didn’t see them, do check them out!) after reading Piep Piep Piep? Well, the other day we were looking at that book again and came across this page – “The Drum goes…” (scroll down for another book on Drums!)
Red Ted JUMPED up and ran over to our dining room table (were we paint) asking for a drum! I was stumped. On the one hand I love, how he now associates books with crafts. Hurray for stART projects. On the other hand… expectations are begin to build… How to make?!
I thought of a mini Loo Roll drum. But drums are for noise. So I parked that idea whilst I pondered…
Until… I remembered our formula tins (yes, sorry, we are formula household from around 4-5mths old). But you can do these with an old paint can or anything tin shaped with or with out lid, so long as it has no serrated edges!
The first one – I gave Red Ted completely free reign – result a little brown.
The second one (spot the hair cut!) – I did a base colour (white), then added masking tape triangles. Then gave Red Ted free reign with TWO colours. Blue & Green (& some white). We then pulled the masking tape off (some of the white paint underneath peeled a little, so we re-touched it).
I have learnt that with 2.5yrs olds, if you give them ALL the primary colours you usually end with brown. So, do give them freedom, but with max. 2 primary colours and then it usually works!
Even the neighbours 8yrs old had a go, which of course made it much more interesting again for Red Ted. Pip Squeak also had fun. The 8 yrs old was very good and “discovered” the different sounds you could make by hitting the edges, drumming on the lid versus the bottom etc… so we have a proper little instrument!
Needless to say, you don’t need to get crafty to have drums at home – pots, pans, tupperware are all marvellous percussion instruments!
As this is a story + art project, I did want to explore other books on “Drums” with Red Ted. So on searching a little we found this:
The Drum – A Folktale from India, produced by Welcome to the Story Cove.
Reading age – 5yrs – 8yrs. Read together age: 2yrs – 5yrs
I thought that this was a great little book. I love folktales and if you think about it the Brother’s Grimm stories all started off as folktales. I also love books and stories from around the world. There is a reason why something becomes a folktale and it is usually that there is a wonderful lesson to be learnt and that the story itself is great. This the story of a little boy who is poor but wishes for a drum! All he is given is a “magic stick”, with the help of the “magic stick” and his own personal kindness and selflessness he indeed get’s his drum in the end. The story could have been written a little better and the drawings could be a little nicer too… but that is only, because we are spoilt by all those wonderful books available today. Red Ted likes the book and so do I. So look past the “non perfectness” and engross yourself in a folktale from India! The Story Cove has other stories from around the world, which we will be checking out as well as website with lesson plans and activities, as well as previews: Becoming a “member” is free.