Turtle Handprint Father’s Day Card

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“You are Turtely Awesome Dad!” Oh how we love a good pun!! If Dad is into Wildlife, the great big ocean or maybe something like scuba diving.. then these Turtle Handprint Father’s Day Cards may just be the thing for him!! A lovely addition to our collection of Father’s Day Cards (you may also like our popular Father’s Day Gift ideas section!).

Collage of Turtle Handprint Card and steps to make
First published in May 2019

This is part of our Father’s Day Craft series – 31 Days fo Dad! Celebrating all things Father’s Day and welcoming a new Guest Poster every dau.  Today I have Shika from The Joy of Sharing!


Hi I’m Shikha from The Joy of Sharing.  I love sharing easy, fun & educational crafts for kids. I’m a mom of a preschool girl who is my craft conspirator & co-creator. Delighted to be a part of this fantastic 31 days of dad series on Maggy’s website.

Handprint crafts alway make a lovely keepsake. They’re such an awesome way to cherish child’s artwork and look at their growth. Kids love tracing their handprints and it’s easy for teachers as there are no extra tools required to make them. What’s more, they are so versatile as you can make many different animals or objects using just handprints.

This Father’s Day, we decided to make a turtle card using our daughter’s handprints. Turtles are amazing amphibious animals that can live for 50+ years. Kids are always fascinated by these creatures and would love making their ‘You’re Turtley Awesome Dad’ card for their dads.

Join us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram for more cute ideas for kids.

Here goes the step-by-step instructions to make this cute card for father’s day.

Collage of how to make a Handprint card turtle for Dad

MATERIALS needed to make your turtle handprint cards

  • Cardstock Paper
  • Pompoms (how we love pom pom crafts!!!)
  • Wiggle eye sticker
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Black Marker

How to make your Turtle Handprint Card for Dad!

 Preparing the handprint cardCollage of Handprint Card made in green

Fold a green cardstock paper into half.

Trace the handprint of your child on one side.

Cut out the handprint keeping the top part intact.

Decorating the turtle’s shell with pom poms

Paper hand cut out with pom poms clued on for turtle's shell

It’s time to glue pom-poms to make the turtle’s shell.

Adding the turtle’s head details

Paper cut out of a turtle head

Cut out a shape of turtle’s head from green cardstock paper and glue it at the back of card’s top side.

Stick a googly eye sticker on the turtle’s head. Make the turtle’s feet and mouth using a black marker.

Personalising the card for father’s day

handprint cut out with Father's Day message

Finally, let the child personalize the card with a lovely message for dad.

That’s it. Your kid’s handprint turtle card is ready to surprise the dad. If you enjoyed this craft, don’t forget to check some of our most loved paper plate crafts.

More fabulous Father’s Day Cards to make with Kids here:

Collage of Dad Cards for Kids to Make

And if you are working with Preschoolers, these Father’s Day Ideas for Preschool are a must see: