3d Recycled Unicorn Craft for Kids
We have the wonderful EcoCraft Kids guest posting for us today and sharing her wonderful 3d Recycled Unicorn Craft for kids. If you love a bit of junk modelling and working with egg cartons, popsicle sticks and some toilet rolls.. then this adorable Unicorn DIY is for you!
EcoCraft Kids is a fantastic instagrammer with lots of wonderful eco friendly crafts. As you know, we love to be a sustainable as possible, especially when working with younger children.. as children can be a little, ahem, prolific in their activities. By using junk box materials, you are not only saving some pennies on your craft materials but also helping the environment.
Other crafts you may like to explore by EcoCraft Kids:
Do pop over and also give EcoCraft Kids a follow! Onto to today’s Egg Carton Unicorns!
Supplies needed to make your 3d Recycled Unicorns:
- Egg Cartons – these will help shape the unicorn’s head
- Toilet Roll tube – this will make your unicorn’s body
- Recycled popsicle sticks – for the unicorn’s legs
- Colourful yarn/ wool – for the unicorn’s mane
- Pipecleaner or stick for the unicorn’s horn
- Eco friendly paint in desired unicorn colours
- Glue/ hot glue gun depending on who is doing the gluing!
- A pair of scissors
- Brushes
How to make a Junk Modelling Unicorn
This is a wonderful junk modelling unicorn craft to make with kids of different ages. If working with toddlers or preschoolers, you can make the base shape for your child yourself and they get to paint and decorate it! If you are working with older children (e.g. elementary school children/ KS1 or KS2 children) encourage them to make the unicorn base themselves!
Great your basic unicorn body in 3d
Begin by making your basic unicorn shape! You will need two “spikes” from your egg carton, plus some egg carton cut offs for the unicorn ears.
Glue the two egg carton pieces together (see image) and add the ears.
Glue the Unicorn’s head and neck to a toilet paper roll.
Then take two craft sticks/ lolly sticks, broken in half, and glue to the toilet paper roll unicorn body as legs!
It is easiest to create this basic junk modelling unicorn using a hot glue gun!
You have now assembled your basic unicorn!
Paint the Recycled Unicorn Craft
Now get your kids to paint the unicorns in whatever colours they wish!
Decorate the Unicorn with a mane, unicorn horn and eyes
Let dry fully! Now cut some yarn strips (great for cutting skills) and glue into place.
You can also paint the hooves of the unicorn a different colour.
Of course also add a unicorn horn (poke a twisted pipecleaner into the head) and add some eyes in marker pen!
I love how each unicorn has it’s own personality!
Rainbow yarn always works well too and of course who can’t resist a googly eye. Though these days, I definitely err on the side of using marker pens for these details!
Aren’t they fabulous? Thank you so much for EcoCraft Kids for sharing this wonderful recyceld unicorn craft with us!
Love the egg carton unicorn head shape!
We have shared Unicorn Crafts before.. here are some of our most popular:
- Toilet Roll Unicorns (these are a simpler version for younger kids)
- Pop Up Unicorn Cards
- Free Unicorn Crochet Pattern (a great gift for your kids!)
More Unicorn Crafts here: