Easy Giant Pom-Pom Spiders for Halloween
We love halloween! And we love BIG Halloween decor…. today we have a great Giant Pom Pom Spider for Halloween. A fantastic paper halloween decoration – bonus – it is super eco friendly and looks great!

So today.. let’s learn how do you make halloween pom poms! Giant pom poms are fun and easy to make and a great way to help you decorate for Halloween quickly and easily!
Need some cute Halloween themed DIY decorating ideas? Then look no further, today we have some fabulously fun GIANT POM POM SPIDERS for you.
Now these spiders are super quick, fun AND easy to make and will help decorate your house, hall or porch in no time. As they are quite large, you can get away with just the one spider (i.e. above your front door) or say 2-4 spiders at a Halloween party in a hall.
However many Halloween spiders you make, I think you will love them!

Halloween pom pom spiders – materials:

- You will need packets of tissue paper in the desired colours (I confess, I got given these paper pom poms, but in essence you won’t need a “special” packet – will share a video AND step by step tissue paper pom pom making photos!
- Black paper for the legs and eyes
- White paper or light card for the eyes
- Glue stick & scissors
Make your giant Tissue Paper Pom Poms
The video on auto play shows you how to make giant tissue paper pom poms from scratch! It really is very easy as the video shows you.
Halloween pom pom spiders – how to:
Giant Tissue Paper Pom Pom Tutorial
We used 8 sheets of tissue per giant pom pom. But you can experiment with different numbers and sizes!
We are making one super large tissue paper pom pom. But you could cut the 8 sheets in half (across the width) and make two small pom poms!

Take all 8 tissues out of the packed. Unfold completely.
Now concertina fold all 8 sheets at the same time. Make the folds baout 1-2 inch (2-4cm) wide.
Make the creases as neat as possible.
Get some string and tie around the middle. Secure with a knot. It doesn’t have to be super tight.
Now get some scissors to shape the ends – you can either make curves or triangles. They will give you a different final shape!
Now fluff the tissue paper pom poms

Fan out one half.

Start fluffing out the individual sheets of your tissue paper pom pom.

Alternate each side until all 8 sheets have been separated!

Once all 8 sheets have been “fluffed”. Turn the pom pom around and fan out the bottom half of the pom pom.
Then repeat the “fluffing process”.

Keep going round until you are finished and happy with the final look of your tissue paper pom pom!
Decorate the giant tissue pom pom as a Halloween Spider

2) Make the eyes by cutting two large circles of light card stock. Then cut some slants to make them a little scary looking – you can experiment with eyes of different expressions.

3) Then add some black eye balls… again, experiment with the positioning of the eye balls. You can make them look do-lally or cross-eyed or whatever works for you. Maybe make a different set of eyes per spider!

4) Use a glue stick to stick them on!

5) Now it’s time to make your legs. Using a ruler cut out 16 strips of paper approximately one inch apart. Glue two lots strips together to make eight long strips.
6) Bend the end up to make the foot.
7) Now, fold the TOP half of your leg in half and make a neat crease until you get to the join of the two stripes of paper.
8) Here fold and crease the lower part of the leg in the OPPOSITE direction (see images). This will give your legs a little stability and structure.
An alternative would be to TIGHTLY roll up one large sheet of newspaper across the diagonal and make a long thin tube which you can bend in two places to make upper and lower leg and a foot.

9) Using a little glue, stick your legs in place.

Now hang up your giant pom pom spider, stand back and admire! Don’t they look fantastic?!
Depending on the size of your room and the location for your spider, you may choose to make 1 or 6 of these. I think the purple and green pom poms are just perfect for a bit of Halloween splash of colour!
We also have a cute fluffy pom pom spider.. check out this cutie:

Been inspired? Take a look at the rest of our amazing Paper Halloween Crafts for kids and grown ups!