Easy Rabbit Bookmark Corner for Chinese New Year
As you know we have a Corner Bookmark Design for every occasion! But as we have so many DIYs.. they sometimes “get lost”, so I think it is useful to reshare them! Like our cute little bunny bookmark corner.. which of course is the perfect RABBIT Bookmark too. Perfect for Chinese New Year! Today, we have not one, but TWO Rabbit Corner Bookmarks for you to check out.
Rabbit Corner Bookmark – 2 Designs
As mentioned, we have two versions of this cute bookmark design! Choose the one you perfer, or better still make both! They both require the same materials and almost the same basic shapes.
We made our rabbit bookmarks in WHITE. But if you are crafting for Lunar New Year and the Year of the Rabbit (2023), why not make the rabbits in red and add yellow features? So cute!
Supplies needed to make a year of the rabbit bookmark:
- Paper in the desired bookmark colour (we used white)*
- Paper scraps for details
- Markers for details (we used pinks and black)
- Scissors
- Glue stick
* any sized paper will do! You can make tiny bookmarks and large bookmarks! You can use white paper or red paper or pink paper.. any colours goes. We usually start with an A4 sheet of paper, which we fold in half to make two bookmarks – check the image below of how to easily trim an edge off to make a square! Use that that trimmed edge for the bunny features later!
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After I made our bunny bookmarks, I checked out China Highlights for this list of lucky and and unlucky elements for Year of the Rabbit individuals! And spotted that WHITE is an unlucky color. Noooo. So, if you are making Lunar New Year Bunny Bookmarks, be sure to use pinks, reds, purples and blues and make sure you make “Lucky Rabbits”!!! Use this as a giude as to what colours to make your origami rabbits in!

How to make a Rabbit Bookmark for Chinese New Year

To make a square from a rectangular piece of paper (e.g. A5). Take one corner and fold it up to create a diagonal (see image above). Make a neat crease, you will need this fold anyway. Then cut along the straight perpendicular created. Keep this strip of paper. When you unfold the diagonal, you will have the square needed for your rabbit bookmark.
Make a basic origami bookmark
We have made the basic origami bookmark many times before. The short video on auto play shows you how to make this basic origami bookmark in detail. OR you can look at the step by step photos shared on this basic origami bookmark post! Alternatively, my Teachers Pay Teachers store has a handy printout, which includes this origami bookmark AND the two bunny bookmark how tos. Great to print on 2 pages for classroom use! (Or one double sided page).
Once you have your basic origami bookmark.. let’s get decorating!

Decorating your basic origami bookmark like a rabbit
As mentioned we have TWO rabbit versions. You can see the step photos for the simpler “bunny bookmark” here. But it is essentially the same as this rabbit.. you only glue the ears and cotton tail in a different place and draw a different face!
Rabbit Design:
Cut out your rabbit shapes:
- two ears
- a cotton tail
- a rectangle for teeth,
- two white circles for the rabbit face and
- a heart for the rabbit nose
We cut them all out from white paper and then colored them in with the pink pen. You can of course use contrasting colored paper and glue it together too!

Time to assemble the rabbit features. Start by glueing the teeth to the “inside” of the bookmark. Then add the facial featrues circles…

….and nose!

Then glue on the rabbit ears to the back.

Now draw your rabbit facial features!

Finally, add the cotton tail to the back.

And done! Isn’t this rabbit bookmark so much fun?!

Now have a go at the other rabbit bookmark design too! Such cuteness!

Ah one finally image (because we can! Ha!)
Hope you enjoyed this lovely Corner Bookmark Design! As mentioned, we have LOTS more designs for you to browse:
Check out the rest of the Chinese Zodiac Bookmark Corners here:
as well as our Chinese New Year Crafts for Kids: