Egg Decorating Ideas: Drip Art Rainbow Eggs


We love Easy Easter Preschooler Crafts. Ever since the Imagination Tree did some gorgeous Drip Art Pumpkins, the Blogosphere has been drip art mad. And to join in with the drip art fun, we thought we would have a go at drip art rainbow egg decorations. The kids loved it! And the process was magical – and like watching a rainbow grow! Love this simple Egg Decorating Idea for kids!

Egg Decorating Drip Art Rainbows

To make Paint Drip Eggs – you will need:

  • a blown egg,
  • paints (we had gorgeous metallic ones),
  • pin or toothpick &
  • string for hanging

How to make Paint Drip Easter Eggs!

1) We tied some bakers twine to our toothpick, made the egg opening a little bigger and poked the toothpick and string in, then gently pulled to secure it in place.

2) Pip Squeak decide what colours (all) to use and it which order)

3) We took turns holding the egg and squirting some paint on. It really was quite mesmerizing!

Rainbow Easter Eggs

4) Then we hung it on a branch and let all the remaining paint drop off and the egg dry. I went back every so often to remove that little blob of paint at the bottom of the egg with a toothpick. The excess paint that drip off, Pip Squeak used to have an impromptu painting session!

Super pretty and very satisfying.

Want more ideas? More amazing Egg Decorating Ideas: