Top Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids of all ages
Easter crafts are such a lovely craft to make – they are full of Spring colours and really help brighten the home after the long Winter days. We particularly love decorating Easter Eggs and love to share our Egg Decorating Ideas with you. From how to dye eggs, to dip & drip eggs, and super cute animal eggs.. lots of fun ideas for you to browse!

I hope you enjoy this collection of creative Easter Egg decorating ideas and that there is something here for everyone! We love working with hollow eggs best, as they are free, eco friendly and there is something quite precious about using real blown out egg shells. Frugal fun that is extra special!
We also have a great set of bunny crafts, chick crafts & Easter Basket Crafts for you too! Easter crafts and Easter Egg Decorating in particular form part of every Easter celebration and I hope my children grow up with happy Egg decorating memories!!
You can decorate your egg shells (from blown eggs) or you can decorate hard boiled eggs.
How to Blow Eggs:

How To Blow and Egg, Colouring with Food Dye and a Traditional Design
That is a long title, but it is kind of my “introduction to Egg Decorating“, as it shares three things – how to blow and egg and some tips to make it easier. How to dye your eggs using food colouring (though we do often paint ours) and a simple “very traditional” Austrian design, that I love! (Well I would, as I am Austrian!
Egg Decorating ideas for Preschoolers

These are fun, as the kids can help make these quickly and easily. All you need is some tape, food dye and water!

Hot Crayon Eggs
This is a super fun craft Crayon Eggs – a wonderful way to use up crayon odds and ends with a beautiful colourful result!

Spotty Eggs
Another favourite of mine – purely because it is so simple and yet delightful. Spotty eggs, perfect for toddler hands. And you won’t feel bad to crack these open and eat them on Easter Day! We enjoyed using drops of food coloring to dye the eggs and then made the most of office stickers to make some fabulous giant polka dots on the eggs.

Eric Carle Egg Decoration for Preschoolers
Or how about this Eric Carle Egg Decoration for Preschoolers? Both my kids loved making these, especially Pip Squeak (3yrs old), who just wanted to make more and more and more of them!

Drip Art Easter Rainbow Eggs
A nice take on the dip & drip eggs.. have a go at this mesmerising and fun way to create Rainbow Easter Eggs. The kids adored the process and we loved the lovely Eastery colours. Wonderful.

We love this hen and chick nest complete with hen printable. A super fun Easter Egg Decorating ideas for little ones! All you need to do is dye eggs yellow, and add some eyes with markers to make some cute little chicks..
Egg Decorating For Preschoolers – Animals

Painted Owls and Birds
I decided to paint these owls and birds egg decoration, as it is easy to control the colour this way (food colourings have a mind of their own). It does mean, that I painted the eggs and Red Ted “only” decorated them. But he LOVED making them and I still love these owls all this time later (we still have them). Check out the post to see both the owls and birds.

Tissue Paper Birds
One of my favourite Easter Egg decorating crafts to date are these Tissue Paper birds. The kids ADORED making them (bright colours and tactile) and the tissue paper and glue protects the egg a little like paper mache. My little one even cracked one of the eggs (she went bang bang bang on the table) whilst crafting and we were able to rescue it with the tissue paper. Perfect. These little guys also proudly feature in my by book Red Ted Art (affiliate link)! All you need is some recycled tissue paper, mod podge or water down PVA glue and you are all set to get making!

Super easy Easter bunny eggs
Yep, another “must” do egg decorating idea.. turn your Easter eggs into Bunny Easter Eggs!! Quickly and easily. The kids will love them. Another one where you simply need to paint your eggs or use dyed eggs in one colour and then add your details in permanent marker pen, as well as add cotton wool tails and feet. So cute!

Make gorgeous Spring Bird Eggs and decorate with this super easy Easter Tree for Kids. If you are using white eggs (they are rare here in the UK!), watercolors would be a fun way to dye eggs and then at feathers, beaks and eyes. These little birds are so so sweet!

Here is a super simple one for you – wash out some egg shells, pop them on some playdough or blu tack and use them as mini vases with the kids. SO CUTE! You can of course take some permanent markers and add some pretty details. Or even go crazy with things like washi tape or glitter. But I love the simplicity of “just” the empty egg shell!
Egg Decorating Ideas for Grown Ups And Teens

Here is wonderful way to dye eggs naturally AND also create wonderful leaf patterns on egg.

Have a go at these DELIGHTFUL Unicorn DIY Eggs – you will be surprised to learn how easy these are to make!

Cutest little Flower Bunny Eggs! How fun are these?! Love! I adore the use of pretty pastel colors here to make loovely little Easter bunny eggs! A paint pen is a lovely addition to add the bunny features on this one! So grab your hot glue gun, your bunny accesories and let’s have a go!

Get Arty, and learn hot paint Galaxy Eggs – Galaxy DIYs are all the rage right now and this easy tutorial will show you how to paint this fabulous pattern quickly and easily!

Napkin Decoupage Eggs
If you want to have a detailed Easter egg design, but don’t aren’t “that arty”, why not try Napking Decoupage eggs? We wanted to give napkin decoupage a go and see how well it really works. When at a friend house she gave us a pretty patterned napkin. This post shows us how the decoupage Easter eggs worked – we rather liked it – and it opens up such a fabulous range of opportunities at napkins come in so many colours and designs and are so inexpensive! You could probably use temporary tattoos to make these eggs too! So very lovely indeed!
Character Easter Egg Decorating ideas for School Egg Decorating Competitions
My son entered these Mr Men Eggs in the School Egg Decorating Competition a few years ago and WON! YAY!

More fun with a painted egg or two and Pokemon! Pok-egg-mon – we loved this play on words Pokemon DIY Egg Decorating idea for the School Egg Decorating competition. The Pokemon Characters were quick and easy to make.

Bring this classic Nursery Song to life with a fabulous Old MacDonald Egg Decorating diorama – complete with template for all the animals and the Farm Barn!!!

Mermaid Under the Sea Diorama
We love these little Mermaid Eggs. We had great fun creating this Ocean Mermaid Diorama a couple of years ago (post will be live on 19th March).

This super simple “Hair Dress Scene” won my daughter first prize when she was in Year 1. We actually did it very simply and in a bit of a “hurry” and last minute.. but I think the teacher’s could resist that Cress Hair!! The Eggcellent Hairdress indeed! All you need is egg shells a sharpie, some cotton wool and of course cress seeds…

Angry Bird Easter Eggs
Get older kids enthusiastic by decorating eggs in their favourite characters. Angry birds are sure to be popular and we have a whole set of them. We should have adde these to a “scene” in order to do better in the school Egg Decorating competition I think!

Humpty Dumpty Easter Eggs
You have to at some point in your egg decorating life make a “Humpty Dumpty egg“. Here the kids designed and made their own interpretations!

Batman Egg Decoration
Another great craft for the boys, is to encourage them to pick a favourite character of theirs and see how they can convert it into and egg. My 5yrs old decided he wanted to make a Batman egg and using Lego for his inspiration came up with this. Of course I helped him a little, but the design and concept is ALL HIS!

Calling all Dr Who Fans with this Dalek Easter Egg!

If you have some Star Wars fans in the house…. May the force be with you, with this simple YODA Egg Decorating Idea!
More fun and quirky egg decorating ideas from the web:
I have had lots of people ask me about nail polish eggs and dipping eggs into a bowl of water containing nail polish to make marbled patterns. Yes, they look amazing – but be warned – it is so so messy and much fiddlier than people “online” make it look. Plus it may well ruin your bowl. So tread with caution when getting excited about this type of egg decorating!
I do have some more lovely ideas for you that ARE easy and do able..

Hope you enjoyed our Egg Decorating ideas!!! Have fun!!

Need ideas for the School Egg Decorating competition? Take a look at these, including information about WINNING DESIGNS!!

More ideas: