Halloween Crafts – Shooter Toys
Welcome back to another quick and easy Halloween Craft – today’s Halloween Craft is perfect for parties or groups – in fact, we had a go at ours at our local Woodcraft Folk group recently and it went down a storm – across all the age groups…. today we bring you Halloween Shooter Toys. Some of you may remember the Bee Shooter Toys from back last summer. I hadn’t made any with my kids in aaaages and though a Halloween version would go down well!
They are super easy to make and even more fun to play with!
This is a great post to show how very versatile Paper Crafts can be.. and is the perfect Paper Halloween Craft for kids!
Halloween Shooter Toys Materials:
- One straw per toy
- Scraps of paper
- Pens
- Scissors
- Tape
How to Make Your Halloween Shooter Toys:
And this is how ridiciulously easy it is to make them. You can make a hole set and play play play. (You can even experiment with different shapes and sizes and see how they impact how far they fly! Turn it into a science experiment!).
We had lots of fun playing with our Halloween Craft at Woodcraft Folk, where the kids ages ranged from 5yrs to 13yrs. They all joined in and had a great big shooting competition at the end.
Enjoy!! And Happy Halloween!!!