Kids Craft: Summer Picture Craft (Calendar Project)
Hello! Welcome back to another Summer Arts and Crafts for Preschoolers project. Today we share our simple Summer Picture. As some of you may be aware, we are saving “one craft per month” for a Kids Art Calendar at the end of the year. As part of this we are working on our Four Season’s Pictures. So far we have winter, spring and now we have our Summer Picture Craft.
First our book:
Another lovely story from my childhood! I picked up our (German) copy of this at the Christmas Bazaar of the German School in London. I leafed through it and the pictures were so familiar, but I couldn’t remember the story… it is a lovely little book about the little bunny going through the different seasons and what he gets up to… The focus does seem to be on Spring and Summer though, with a whole 4 pages each devoted to them, whilst Autumn and Winter get less. I love how Summer shows us butterflies and strawberries, but also rain (and it is raining a lot here this Summer!). Bunnies are big in our house, so the children love the book. With Pip Squeak it is a great way of looking for details (where are the baby birds? where is the red butterfly) and Red Ted just loves all the bugs and frogs. A sweet traditional and lovely book.
I also like the “format” – a different shape to your usual book! Makes it nice to hold.
The Craft
When we make our next season, always get the others from our notice board and we discuss the differences between the seasons. And each pictures is made up in the same way: the ground, the sky, “bubble wrap printing” and fingerprint printing….
Having made 4 of these pictures already (we painted 3 of the Spring ones), Red Ted really “gets it” and he is brilliant at painting the ground, and sky himself. He loves the bubble wrap printing too. As the Fingerprints change each time, he is more explorative there and often wants to smear his finger across the whole page…
So… (my picture quality is poor this week, no idea what was up with my camera – sorry!)
1 – we painted the sky and grass. We mixed in white to make the sky and grass “brighter” for the summer. Then we made green bubble wrap leaves…
2 – after the “success” of last week’s fingerprint sunflowers, we thought our Summer picture could have them again, plus some orange butterflies
3 -once dry add the sunflower stems and middles as well as butterfly detail.. one butterfly (bottom left) Red Ted decided to turn into a “bug”.
Don’t they look great together?
(UPDATE A YEAR LATER: here is the full Four Seasons together)
More great Summer Crafts for Preschoolers here: