Kids Crafts: Matchbox Stone Pets
My kids LOVE stones. We have stones stones stones everywhere. As you know we have already made Stone Ducks and Stone Monsters. And there is a Stone Family and some Stone Paperweights coming in my Kids Crafts Book. We needed something new. I wanted a craft that didn’t involved getting out the acrylics (acrylics are best for stones, and to be honest, I didn’t have the paint mess energy, for a couple of stone pets) AND, I wanted something that “persevered” the beauty of the original stone AND was easy for Red Ted to make. I thought if I cut, he could stick.
Though I would say this is an adorable Summer Crafts For Preschooler idea, you can of course make these all year round. But they are particularly lovely for popping into a school starters pocket at the beginning of the year to keep them company!
Our pocket pets were first made in August 2012 and have been updated and republished for your convenience
Stone Pets – Materials
- small,
- flat stones that fit in a matchbox,
- matchboxes,
- felt scraps,
- googly eyes,
- pva
How to make Stone Pet Matchbox Friends
I think they would have looked LOVELY with marker pen details for eyes and whiskers. We used the googley eyes to make it easier for Red Ted… but see below re his response!
1) Look at your stones and see if they remind you of anything – we had a perfect duck shape, it just needed a beak. The other two were fairly even, not “saying” much to me – but ideal for bunnies and mice.
2) Cut out felt bits and pieces – beaks, ears, tails and with the googly eyes glue on
3) Decorate your matchbox to suit! We made a little house for the mouse, a blue pond matchbox for the duck and a grassy one for the bunny. Done.
We made Pip Squeak’s first (i.e. the above). Well… I made Pip Squeak’s first (whilst she napped). Red Ted covered his matchboxes in red and green felt with dots.
Then.. I asked him what creatures he would like to make out of his stones. Uhm. “They are stone monsters, Mummy”. Ok, would you like to add some eyes? “No, Mummy”. Any decorations? “No, Mummy, they are fine the way they are”.
So. Red Ted has some rock pets, that live in a matchbox, that are indeed just rocks. Kind of cute. But not very exciting to show, I am afraid. Having said that, he adores the set I made and plays with them all the time…
Today’s kids craft, is brought to you by ME. Sorry!
If you fancy more lovely Summer Crafts for Preschoolers check these out: