Cute & Easy Gumnut Octopus Pencil Toppers
Hello! Welcome back to Kids Get Crafty and some fun Autumn Crafts for Kids! Today I have a gumnut craft for you.. a what? I hear you say.. yes, a gumnut– gumnuts are the “nut” from the Eucalyptus tree – and are very common in Australia. In Australia?! But I don’t live in Australia! I hear you exclaim…

…. I know. I know. But.. a very good friend of mine does. And I do have a handful of wonderful Australian readers. So this craft is especially for you! I love how the internet makes the world shrink and that I have readers from the Uk (of course), US, continental Europe, China, Russia, Israel….. the list goes on – all over the world. So every so often it is lovely to be able to celebrate this!
I reckon you can still make it with one of those “large bleach bottle lids” – you know, the ones that look like thimbles?
The gumnuts I used were from my friend’s wedding. So they are very special indeed! I dumped them in boiling water, to ensure no creepy crawlies!
Supplies needed to make a Gumnut Octopus Craft
- a gumnut (or large lid),
- paint (though plain is nice too),
- 2 pipe cleaners,
- 2 googly eyes,
- glue
- (a pencil for poking)
How to make Gumnut Pencil Topper Octopii
I got the gumnut craft idea after making our conker pencil toppers a couple of weeks ago. I thought that the gumnut had the perfect “pencil sticking up shape”… and then suddenly the rest came to me – an octopus!
1) Paint your gumnut to match your pipe cleaners. Ours are blue and orange.
2) Take 2 pipecleaners and cut them in half.
3) Place over each other star shape and wrap one over the remaining 4
4) Place them around a pencil and add a blob of glue to the top (or use a hot glue gun) and then place the gumnut over the top
5) Insert into your gumnut and add your googly eyes
Ta-da!!! I hope you enjoyed this gumnut craft!!! If you did… please let me know and I can look to add more gumnut crafts over time!
In the meantime, I do have a gumnut ornament here:
Hopefully more Gumnut Crafts soon!
More wonderful Autumn Crafts for Kids here: