How to make a Paper Chef’s Hat DIY Instructions
Ah! I know you have ALWAYS wanted to know how to make a Paper Chef’s Hat DIY.. well why not! Making a Paper Chef’s hat is surprisingly simple and you can even use some recycled materials. We love Paper Crafts.
Let’s make a paper chef’s hat!

Todays step by step paper chef’s hat instructions are perfect anyone celebrating Pancake Day (we have some GREAT Pancake Day activities for you to check out) as well as anyone dressing up and looking for World Book Day costumes and anyone looking to make a DIY Chef’s costume. This DIY Paper Chef’s hat for kids, would also make a great Master Chef Paper Hat! Oh the possibilities.
Make a Paper Chef’s Hat for Pancake Day!
When is Pancake Day 2021?
Pancake Day is celebrate the Tuesday before Lent Starts – ie 40 days before Easter. This year, Easter is on the 4th April 2021. Which means that shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day is on the 16th February 2021!
Why do we have Pancake Day? What does Shrove Tuesday mean?
Traditionally, Pancake Day was all about using up all the eggs and butter and rich foods before the period of fasting. It is also known as “Shrove Tuesday”. Derived from the word shriven.. when you go and confess you sins before lent.
In modern day Britain it is an eagerly awaited day by children. Not because children are excited about lent (ahem!), but children are excited about PANCAKES!! Traditionally, in the UK people eat their pancakes with a little sugar and lemon. Delicious. But we also enjoy savoury pancakes with cheese and ham.
Enough background. Let’s make a paper chef’s hat!
How to make a Paper Chef’s Hat – Materials needed:
For today’s version you will need – it isn’t quite a how to make a chef hat out of a4 paper – because you also need some tissue paper. However, if you want an A4 paper version only – please let me know and I will see if I can come up with a Chef’s Hat Pattern for you!
- an A4 sheet of paper
- recycled tissue paper (mine came from the inside of my new trainers)
- scissors
- glue sticks
- stapler
How to make a Paper Chef’s Hat – Video
Ok.. so just to warn you.. this hat diy really is a super simple craft.. however it is a “big craft”.. and my “video filming space” is somewhat limited.. so though this Paper Chef’s Hat video diy DOES show you how to make it.. the focus is a little tight! I hope you still enjoy it! This craft would make a great activity for Pancake Day or World Book Day!!
How to make a child’s chef hat step by step instructions
Begin by making your paper chef’s hat “base”

The width of your paper hat is really a matter of preference. I folded an A4 sheet of paper into three equal parts “length ways” – and used two to make the base. However some people may prefer it a little thinner – so you could fold it in four and make two hat bases out of one sheet?!
Cut your A4 sheet of paper into 3 equal strips. Glue two together to make your basic hat shape. This JUST about fits an adult and easily fits a child. LATER you will adjust it for a snug fit.

You can decorate the base at this stage too! We left ours plain.. though it would be fun to add a name.. or maybe a Master Chef logo to make it into a Master Chefs Costume?!
The top part of your chef’s hat

For this we used some recycled tissue paper. It came in the inside of some trainers I bought and was quite long. If you are recycling paper and yours is not as wide (it needs to be at least as long as the strip of the base), you can glue two sheets together.
Align your tissue paper with the base.
Create some creases at even(ish) distances until your tissue paper is the same lengther as your base strip paper.
Secure the crease with a little glue stick.
Thes creases are not necessary but look nice.
Connecting the two parts of your paper chef’s hat

Add glue to the top of your paper chef’s hat base strip and glue down the tissue paper.

Now add glue along one edge and curl the hat round on itself and secure. at this point you may want to check the size on your child’s head again.

Now you have a big hat with an opening at the top. You can leave this opening if you wish!

OR you can bunch it up. Push the bunches inside and secure with a stapler.

Your DIY Paper Chef’s hat is finished! Congratulations.
You can now dress up as a Master Chef chef.. or as a Chef from one of your favourite (chef related) Picture Books on World Book Day.. Alternatively.. head to the kitchen and make yourself some pancakes for Pancake Day!!
More great Pancake Day Activities here:

More great World Book Day Costumes here: