Santa & Angel Get Crafty – Crafts & Ideas
Welcome to Santa & Angel Get Crafty – lots of wonderful crafts to celebrate Mr Clause himself, as well as those wonderfully angelic angels…. I was a little nervous, as to whether there would be enough Santa and Angel Crafts out there… but believe you me there are. And hopefully you will find a nice selection here to inspire you – from angel wings to santa beards, from pasta angels to cloth peg santas.. what more would you want to get you Ho Ho Ho-ing and Trala-la-la-la-ing?!
If you after more “generic” Christmas Crafts & Ideas visit last craft round up.
If you fancy some Winter Sparkle, check out last year’s!
We start off with our Angels, then visit our Santas and then muddle the two up a little.
Let’s start of with this nice and easy and still very cute angel! Pipecleaner, ribbon, done. Fun EZ crafts shares their idea.
These angels are a “classic” amongst German boys and girls. You don’t even have to make the “paper head, but use part of the fan instead. Or use a wooden bead and add hair. Use wrapping paper or plain paper or shiney paper.. whatever grabs your fancy! Remember there is a translate button on Basteln-De!
For those of you Home Schooling or simply interested in reinforcing the alphabet at home in a fun and lovely way, this “A is for Angel” is simply adorable and well worth having a go this Christmas. Totally Tots shares their craft!
Oh my, what a lovely lovely idea.. what little girl wouldn’t love an “Angel Play Tent”. How to really bring the magic and sparkle of Christmas into your home! Here Come The Girls came up with ever so sweet idea. Hop over now and read all about it!
Oh my I ADORE these petal angels.. “hammering flowers” to create prints is all the rage at the moment, but oh my, how sweet are these angels? Check out Family Fun for all the details and a “how to”. Love.
Like Hama Beads? Then like this little Angel Pattern something to use up all your beads with. Angel Guide shares their pattern. If you haven’t tried Hama Beads yet, then maybe now is the time. You can get “maxi Hama beads” for small hands and my two adore them!
One of our FAVOURITE TP Roll Crafts to date, we feel that these TP Roll angels are simply darling!
You can find LOTS more TP Roll Christmas crafts here!
Oh my I love these cute little angels.. use them as a decoration or a cool little pendant. All you need is paper clamps.. some beads.. and away you go. See more on Home Kids Life. (PS Here are some Paper Clamps on Amazon.. if you want to get hold of some!)
Hands and feet really are rather versatile.. I have seen all sorts of wonderful creations here is a hand & footprint angel from That Artist Woman.
Say aaaaah, every tree needs a Christmas Tree Topper! And how is this for a cute little angel. And it is recycled too! Perfect. Chris from Thinly Spread got crafty with her kids! I like!
Angel Christmas Tree Topper Nr 2
And here is another pretty little recycled angel… check out Sun Hats & Wellie Boots to see how they made theres. Adorable!
Aaaand another tree topper… I didn’t have any at first and now three in one go. How wonderful. Plenty for you to choose from and be inspired by! This one is made by Mummy Mummy Mum and Co!
You may have noticed a distinct absence of shell crafts on Red Ted Art. Basically, although I love shells… I never really know quite what to do with them. So if you have lots (like we do), here is a cute little idea from Cards, Crafts and Kids Projects making little angels out of them.
A guest post last year on Red Ted Art – a little paper angel craft. Love the the use of the gold stars to decorate the angel’s dress. Adorable.
I love these adorable little doily angels? Aren’t they simply beautiful? Step by step instructions from Artmind-etcetera.
For more doily angel ideas, check out Sycamore Stirrings. Again another set of lovely little angels!
I love making things out of every day items.. how about this cute cork angel? Paint it gold and you are half way there… I do love the little wire halo too! Check out Craft Ideas for more info.
I love felt crafts at Christmas time and I think these little felt and wire angels are just the ticket. Aren’t they cute? I think just love the little legs.. This little one is from Craft Staci.
I confess, I adore these pasta angels? Aren’t they simply fabulously fun? You may have seen these little guys “making the rounds” already, but it is always nice to be reminded that they are here! Squidoo shares.
I am in love with this “recycled” angel – made from cardbaord, tin foil and corrugated card, it is absolutely stunning. Zu4ki has a Russian blog (again the translate button should be available) and she is stunningly creative. I ooh and aah at her every post. And I love her angel!
Make your very own recycle DIY Angel to go on top of your Christmas Tree! Visit Green Issues and see how she recycled a t-shirt and a coat hanger! Clever!
How cute cute cute is this angel clothes line? Certainly a different sort of Christmas decoration for this year. That Artist Woman also makes a Santa clothes line. Just too cute!
First up for the Santas is this handprint santa from Christmas Your Way.. I told you hands were versatile. I love how the thumb makes the bobble hat and the fingers the beard… and all that glitter. Fabulous!
Santa Puppets (with Printable)
Adorable DIY Santa Bookmark Corner (the simple shapes make this an easy Craft)
Adorable Santa Cootie Catcher!
There is also an adorable Pikachu Santa version too!x
Another “traditional” craft are these very easy Santa stars. They are fabulous for preschoolers, but all age groups can have a go. Use them in garlands, Christmas cards or as simple ornaments. They just look fun!x
Another cute idea from Here Come The Girls – Santa Plants as Christmas presents the kids can make. I think they look simply adorable! And I love it when children are encourage to give and make things.
Mini Santa Ornaments (also fun for a game of Santa Bowling)
Stick Santa Ornament (too fun!)
Paper Plate Santa
How cute is this curly beard Paper Plate santa by Arty Crafty Kids. A super fun way to make a Paper Plate Santa this Christmas Season!
I love love love these Santa Plates created by school children on Fun Art 4 Kids blog! I think they look wonderful and make for a really great pottery project this season. Maybe go down your local pottery centre as a Christmas family activity?
Do your kids write letters to Santa? Did you know you had to use *special Santa* stamps… well.. you can print them off your self… with this cute Printable. Therapeutic Crafting shares their printables.
What a gorgeous traditional peg santa – based on a waldorf pattern/ Isn’t it beautiful? Perfect for St Nikolaus day too! Wee Folk Art shares their craft.
I ADORE these Mr & Mrs Clause pegs. Aren’t they simply fabulous? There aren’t that many crafts out there that honour the lovely Mrs Clause. Hooray for Factory Direct Crafts for sharing!
Here is a cozy and snug looking santa scarf! You don’t have to be able to knit to make this one.. She Wears Flowers shares her pattern and tutorial.
A cute little printable that will give your Christmas table taht instant festive touch! Again a German website, if in doubt hit the “translate” button. Mystical World shares the download.
Oh my, isn’t this just the cutest little idea – take an old key, dress it up and hey presto you have a very special “Santa Key”… make it a family tradition to hang it somewhere so Santa knows how to get in.. Organize Your Stuff Now shares this cute idea!
Angel & Santa Dress Up
Now, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE these paper plate (!) Angel Wings. How cool are they? I bet there are at least a handful of you that will be scurry around on short notice having to dress an angel for a school play.. ta da.. Angel wings! Quick, cheap, easy. By the clever peeps at the Dollar Store Crafts!
Oh my oh my oh my. I ADORE these Angel PJs… a late Get Crafty entry, but certainly one worth waiting for! Love that the you get linked through to how to make your on PJ bottoms form a pillow case… add a tee and some little wings and hey presto you have an angel. Will Red Ted become an angel if I make him a set?? Me and My Shadow gets crafty.
If your charge is meant to be one of the 3 Kings or for those of you with a moustache fetish, how about a felt santa beard? Snazzle Crafts comes up with this brilliant disguise…
The Kitchen Angels & Santas
Santa Hat Cupcakes
I didn’t think that there would be “many Santa Edible Crafts” that would appeal to me, but I spotted this Santa’s hat cupcake (via Craft Gossip) and I thought it was BRILLIANT. The original post is on Created by Diane.
Oh my.. now although I am not a big fan of buying fruit out of season these Santa Hat Brownies are simply the cutest and bestest!!! So if you live down under and your strawberries are in season.. you know what to make.. or maybe I will just make one or two or three…. Eric Sweet Tooth shares her post.
I love how you can convert an ordinary bar of chocolate into this fabulous Christmassy stocking filler.. and you don’t need much to do so! Some red, black and gold paper an Santa’s Your Uncle. The great idea comes via A Personal Touch, where you will find LOTS MORE home made Christmassy ideas – perfect as small gifts, Christmas or School Fairs. Go stop by!
I first saw these and thought “more cake pops”… but no, these are Baby Bells. Brilliant. I found them again, via the very fab Craft Gossip (am wondering whether our Get Crafty Food section should be dedicated to them!!) and the original post is from Cute Food for Kids.
I rather like Cute Food for Kids‘s Santa Sandwich too… who said Christmas was all about sweets and treats… And Christmas surely is all about the foooooood.. as it is about the gifts and the time together as a family. Start of with a heart shaped cookie cutter and share the love …
Here is a fun and different way of making you Santa Cookies and I have to say, I think they look great and it just opens up the possiblities of what else you can make in this way… OMG Daily Blog shares their craftiness!
Ha! I told you that I should have “outsourced” this section to Craft Gossip.. another craft I found via their website. If you have some “ordinary cookies”, why not dress them up with some angel wings? Visit Go Make Me and you will find the template and also a delicious looking ginger bread recipe!
These fab Angel Cookie jars were christen as such, as Kelly’s little girl, declared the flour prints on the work surface as “Angel Footprints” and that the cookies were simply “Heavenly”. Well who can argue with that? Angel Cookies in a Jar it is! Domestic Goddesque shares her yummy and fun gift idea.
You know me and Ferrero Rochers. Love them! And think it is such a cute idea to have them at Christmas “all dressed up”! This is an idea found on Flickr, but you should be able to figure out how to make them!
I too remember Angel Cake from my childhood and yet there really are not that many recipes out there. So luckily for us Here Come The Girls comes to the rescue with their pretty and delicious looking Angel Cake. The best bit is the children can help too!
Sooooo what do you think? are you in festive mood yet? what Christmas craft or idea has inspired you today?! Would love to hear what you make!