Suncatcher Apple Craft for Preschoolers
A lovely craft for Back to School, Fall and Autumn – learn how easy it is to make this Suncatcher Apple Craft for Preschoolers. A gorgeous paper craft, that will look great in the classroom! We love apple crafts, such a cute craft theme for kids.

We have lovely Bern from Mom to 2 Posh Little Divas guest posing again. I thought this little suncatcher apple craft is simple beautiful! And my kids certainly love all window suncatchers (especially our Poppy Suncatchers, they are SO popular!).
If making these at home, just a couple of apples will be perfect for your windows. If making these in a school environment, maybe you can go big and make some collaborative apple trees with these easy apples? Would that be a fantastic apple tree craft idea too?
Or alternatively, you could string them up into an apple garland. Simply play with the size of your final paper apple craft (e.g. print out in half size or full size, depending on your final project).
Whatever you decided, do have a go at this cute apple craft – perfect for this time of year!
Fall Crafts: Coffee Filter Apple Art for Kids
I was prepping this little apple art activity for my preschoolers this weekend when the Lil Divas decided they wanted to make it too.
We haven’t had much crafty time since school started so I happily obliged and I loved how they turned out. Which of course meant that I felt compelled to share it with you all. This one is so easy and the results so fun – perfect for kiddos of all ages.
Coffee Filter Apple Art

Supplies needed to make Suncatcher Apples
- Coffee filter (1 per apple)
- Red/yellow/green markers
- Spray water bottle
- Construction paper apple template – you could also use light cardboard or recycled cardboard and paint it green or red first
- Glue
- A pair of scissors
* for those asking for my apple template – feel free to grab it for free – simply add $0 at check out!*

How to make paper apple suncatchers with preschoolers
Either cut your own apple shape or use the handy printable template provided! Print it out in full size of half size depending on how you would like to display your final paper apple craft!
1. Have your apple template ready – I precut large apple templates for my preschoolers in red, yellow and green. I folded them in half and cut out the middle which makes it easier to the centre out.
2. Have child color coffee filter using all 3 apple colors – the more area they color the more vibrant your colors will be.

3. Now comes the fun bit! The water spray bottle! Kiddos will LOVE using your spray water bottle! Get the toddlers or preschoolers to spray water directly onto the coffee filter.
Try not to overspray the filter – a little water goes a long way with this. Observe your colors mixing with each other. The Lil Divas really enjoyed watching this part.

4. Let coffee filter dry fully – this doesn’t take too long since they are thin.

5. Now it is time to glue coffee filter to back of apple template to make the suncatcher apple.

6. Check out your fab apple art and proudly display – this one definitely deserves a spot on the window, wall or fridge!

Aren’t these little suncatcher apples the cutest? I can imagine them looking fabulous both at home, in a homeschool environment or in the classrom – such a lovely decor idea. Kids of all ages can have a go at making these! And who doesn’t LOVE watching colours mix when crafting with coffee filters! SOOOO lovely!
Don’ forget to check out our other apple themed projects – lots more fanatstic apple activities and adorable apple crafts for your kindergartener, toddler and preschoolers! Including our super popular apple pinch pots! And yarn wrapped apple garlands. Both perfect for those fine motor skills.