Toilet Paper Rolls Craft: Sheep

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I feel like we have fallen off the toilet paper rolls craft wagon. I love crafting with toilet paper rolls so much (or loo rolls as we call them here in the uk), because they are free and versatile and great fun! (Do check out our TP Roll Crafts.

If you are looking for activities for children this Spring, then hopefully these Toilet Paper Roll Sheep will fit the bill. They inexpensive to make, tactile and fun. And my youngest loves playing with them! I mainly made these with Pip Squeak (3yrs) whilst Red Ted (5yrs) was at school. He wanted to have one, but not to make one. Mmmh. Ok. Anyway, we do love a Sheep DIY for Spring!

TP Roll Spring Crafts


This is a great craft for when you are done with your cotton ball sensory bin!

  • per sheep: two loo rolls or one kitchen towel roll,
  • a little paint,
  • sticks,
  • masking tape (NOT ordinary tape, as you can paint or glue on it very well) or glue and
  • of course cotton wool and
  • googly eyes!
Cardboard Tube Sheep

Don’t you just LOVE the *bling*!

1) THE HEAD: Shape and Paint: First we started by shaping the sheep’s face – we use the same technique as per our Loo Roll Dog or Bird Marionettes (take a peak at the posts for “images). Take one of your toilet paper rolls, cut four slits and squeeze them together. Then glue or tape in place. The white sheep was taped, the black sheep glued. We then painted them white or black. Once dried, cute very short slits into the other end, alternating with the slits made for the front, squeezed and then inserted them into the second tp roll.

Loo Roll Sheep

2) THE LEGS: Cut and Stick: Take four small sticks – ours were about adult finger length (is that about 10cm?) and tape them onto the second  of your toilet paper rolls with masking tape. I squirted in some glue for good measure. You could of course just “poke” four holes into the cardboard tube and glue the sticks in. It works, but it is much wobbly at first and may be frustrating. We did both (I was trying out what works best) – the white sheep has holes and glue, the black sheep is taped. I think taped is better!

Cardboard Tube Crafts

3) THE BODDY: Assemble and Stick: Now comes the fun tactile part – sticking on the cotton wool! Add lots of glue to your toilet paper roll body and let your child stick away (you can see in the above photo, that this is the sheep we stuck the sticks in place).. once all the cotton wool is on, press firmly down, look for any gaps and let your child fill them.

TP Roll Sheep

And done! A toilet paper roll sheep! Who would have thought?!

More Sheep Crafts for Kids here:

Adorable Lamb Crafts for Spring and Easter