Traditional Straw Star Ornaments

As many of you may know, I have a germanic background to my upbringing.. which I like to think influences many of the crafts I share with you here on Red Ted Art.. especially when it comes to Autumn Crafts for Kids and Christmas Crafts for Kids – as these were the seasons, when as a child I crafted the most (often at school!). One DIY that I remember and still love today are traditional straw snowflake ornaments – they are definitely something for older kids to make, as they can be a bit fiddly.. and these days the more complicated patterns use a clever little Straw Snowflake “device”. Today, I want to show you a DIY Christmas Ornament based on this oh so pretty Christmas tradition – but the basic version. AND the best bit…? You can use drinking straws to make these too. So in case you can’t get hold of craft straws, you can use those and make bright vibrant stars instead! Whoop. A winner all round.


If you can’t get hold of “real straw” to make these, you can also have a go using plastic drinking straws (use bright funky colours or white ones for snowflakes) or used rolled up newspapers!

This wonderful Ornament is also included in our practical, easy to download and print out Christmas Ornament Book. Each craft is shared on one page – making the perfect worksheet print outs. Lovely to have them all in one place too!

Only $7.99

Get yours today and keep it forever!

Straw Star Ornaments – Materials:

  • Real Straws x8 (or drinking straws*)
  • Thread or embroidery thread
  • Scissors

If you are using drinking straws, flatten them under a heavy book first.. this will make it easier to work with them!

Straw Star Ornaments – How To:


  • Take four straws and criss cross as evenly as possible. Gently flatten at centre.


  • Carefully start wrapping some thread around the spokes – weaving in and out as you go. The first round is a little fiddly, but it gets easier! Make sure to leave a lose thread at the beginning as you can use this loose thread at the end to tie off.
  • Take the next four straws and repeat.


  • Over lay both sets of straws. Again, take your thread and weaving in and out. If you want you can repeat the weaving to change the pattern – ie have one solid line of thread verses every other straw – your choice.
  • Tie off the thread against itself.


  • Cute down every second straw to about 2/3 of the length of the others.
  • Cute points – I cut inverted points into the shorter straw and outward points.
  • Finally tie a little thread for hanging. You MAY want to add a dab of glue to this so it doesn’t slide off over time!

What do you think? Aren’t these Straw Stars simply LOVELY! I do hope you have a go!!!

Don’t forget to grab your copy of our handy Christmas Ornament Book today!

Only $7.99

Get yours today!!