Two by Two: Overboard! Finger Puppets
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It has been a little while since we have been able to enjoy a fabulous new film at the cinema. My kids and I adore going to the cinema and seeing the latest family films. So, we are VERY excited to see the new Two by Two: Overboard! movie heading our way today!
The film follows the exciting adventure of two best friends Finny and Leah as they try to escape a volcanic island and save the animals of the Ark! It really is the perfect film for a family trip to the cinema this half term! We loved the trailer and fell in love with the two main characters Finny (a Nestrian) & Leah (a Grymp).

To celebrate the release of Two By Two: Overboard! (in cinemas nationwide today), we have been inspired to create a fun craft for you… so we created… a Finny & Leah Finger Puppet Game. Not only can you make your own finger puppets based on the characters from the film, but you can also set up a super simple game to play with them! ENJOY!!!
To Make your Finger Puppets – you will need:
- Your free printables
- A printer
- Colouring pencils
- Scissors
- Optional – recycled card/ cardboard & glue stick (if you want thicker finger puppets)
- Optional – scrap paper for your coconut
- Optional – TP Rolls & green paper for the palm trees
I love that you can make and colour these Finny and Leah finger puppets with just paper and pens. So, if you are limited on supplies, you can still join in! The additional football etc, is just a bit of extra fun should you choose to expand on this craft! Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer handy, simply click on the free printables link and trace from the computer or tablet screen!
Making your Finger Puppet Game:
Let’s begin with Finny and Leah. These Finger Puppets are super easy to make!

1) Print out your characters and stick them onto some cardboard, to make them a little stronger – you could always print them onto card if your printer lets you! We used a cereal box which works just fine!
2) Once securely stuck onto your piece of cardboard, cut out your characters in more detail. You will note, that we have left a BIG boarder around Finny and Leah – this is so young children can practice their cutting skills. Older children, can cut the printables more “narrowly”. Adults can help with cutting out the finger holes.
3) Time to colour in your characters – we decided to stay true to Finny and Leah’s original colours. But if you watch the Two by Two: Overboard! trailer, you will see that there are LOTS more Nestrians and Grymps in the movie – in all sorts of wonderful colours – why not make a whole team of them? So fun!

4) Now make your own coconut football – get a piece of paper, colour it in brown (or use some brown packaging paper) and scrunch it into a ball! And done. That was easy! It doesn’t even have to be perfectly round. You could make a yellow version, with a little green on top as a pineapple ball too.

5) Next, you will need some football goals. We decided to make two very simple Palm Tree Goals… You will need 2 TP Rolls and one sheet of A4 green paper. Fold your paper so you have 8 layers. Cut out a leaf. Fold in half again and cut into the edges.
You should now have 8 leaves. Glue these into the inside of your TP Roll. Then cut out a green circle and stick it on top.
If you wish you can make two “smaller” coconuts and stick those on also, but that is totally optional!

Now you are ready to play. Set up some cardboard tube coconut trees as goal posts and have some fun! Alternatively, you can mark a goal area with some pens on paper and PLAY!

Watch your crafting come to life as Two By Two: Overboard is in cinemas today!
Happy watching and happy crafting!!!