Halloween Craft Stick Fairy Door Craft for kids
Learn how to make a Halloween Craft Stick Fairy Door! A lovely Halloween Craft made by my (then) 10yrs old for the neighbourhood kids!

It has been a year of fairy gardens for us. With lots of fairy letter writing to young children in our community. There was even a fairy newspaper and we grew lots of flowers for our fairy gardens. As the season changed and things quiet down a little, we wanted to decorate for Autumn and Halloween.
So my daughter decided, that come Halloween, the neighbourhood kids (there are 3 families) should receive a magical Halloween Fairy Door!
We had already made fairy pumpkins before, as well as miniature broomsticks, so it was an easy extension of our previous crafts!
These Craft Stick Fairy Doors are mildly weather proof – i.e. you can keep them outdoors for a bit.. but they will not last over time. Especially if there is heavy rain! So do bring them indoors if need be. Making fully waterproof fairy doors at home is hard.
If you are looking for how to make fairy doors for outside, I think your best bet would be using clay and a kiln! But not many of us have access to this! So I wouldn’t use these as fairy doors for trees, I am afraid. Sorry!
Having said that, you could experiment with using polymer clays – as these are plastic once finished. Just make sure that any “connecting” parts or colours are well connect and don’t follow off, and therefore require glue – it is the glue that causes problems in the rain!
DIY Halloween Fairy Door – Materials
- Craft sticks/ recycled lolly sticks
- Craft knife (adult supervision please!)
- Black Paint
- Glue gun
- Googly eyes
- Bead for handle
- Fake cobwebs
- Other bits and pieces: rock painting pumpkin, plastic spider, diy mini broom
You will note my “other bits and pieces” on the list… work with what you HAVE! We had some crafty bits from previous crafting.. you can make these too, or see if you got any other spooky additions you can add!
How to make a Craft Stick Fairy Door for Halloween

So my daughter made these fairy doors and we only photographed them afterwards, but the process is relatively simple and I have wirtten it out for you.
Begin by cutting your craft sticks to size – you will need for long pieces and two cut diagonally. You can cut them with a craft knife (ask for help!) or a sometimes a good pair of scissors work too. As these are HALLOWEEN fairy doors, you don’t have to be very neat with your cutting and aligning.
Add hot glue to the two pieces that go “across your door at an angle”, and use these pieces and the hotglue to secure the other four slats in place.
Now you can paint your fairy doors in whatever colour you want. We decided to make black halloween fairy doors, but of course purple halloween fairy doors would look adorable too.
Once fully dried , hot glue on some googly eyes, a bead for the door handle and your rock pumpkins.
Mu daughter then took some fake spider webs and spread it across the doors.
To make your broom, take a twig, some brown paper/ straw and wrap this round with a piece of pipecleaner. You may wish to secure it with a little hot glue too!

Aren’t they fabulous? My daughter scretly delivered the doors to the three local housholds and added some spooky messages.

As with all our crafts, work with what you have – I love the addition of the glittery spider here! Why not combine your fairy door with some fairy garden small world play?!
Happy DIY Fairy Door Making!! Craft stick fairy doors are so fun!
Check out all of our favourite Halloween Crafts for Kids here: