DIY Felt Bookmarks with Kids
Here is a little gift kids can make be it for Christmas, a teacher or a BFF (or even mother’s day). Sew a DIY Felt Bookmark with Kids – my daughter came up with this cat felt bookmark and sloth felt bookmark one Christmas. I thought they were super cute and look easy for kids to make and sew! And who can resist such a cute sloth DIY?! Right?

As a mother, this has been one of my favourite DIY GIfts my kids have made. I think it is because she simply came up with herself. But at the same time, it is clear that she “built” on previous things she had learn to make with me.
I don’t have step photos.. for the felt sloth or felt cat… BUT, I do have the same process for other little felties we made previously. She clearly learnt from that and adapted the designs. So cute!
Supplies needed to make a Felt Bookmark Gift

- Felt in desired colours (in our case an orange felt cat and sloth colours)
- A little cardboard
- Sewing thread
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- A little bit of white paint
How to make your animal felt bookmarks

One of the first time we made a similar felt project, was our button star ornaments. Using a cookie cutter, we cut out star shapes. Next she sewed on some buttons (with help of course) and then using a running stitch connected the two halves.

Not long after we made some adorable little felt bunny brooches. Now this is the process that really resembles what she did with the cat and sloth. . But old on.. there was more fist (and whilst you are waiting… the video on auto play shows how to make these bunnies! This was an opportunity to also practice an “overstitch” – but really, do the stitch the kids find easiest.

A year or so later, she came up with these adorable animal ornaments! Aren’t they cute? I helped sew on the eyes and little noses though.

As you can see the final step was easy… she adapted the designs to make the sloth… and then basically glued some felt onto card to make the bookmark holder.. and then glued the felt sloth and the felt cat too the bookmark. And don’t.
By then she was old enough to use the hot glue gun on her own (about 11yrs?), but you CAN make this using ordinary glue – you just need to wait for ito dry a bit. I think it is the most adorable bookmark ever. And 2yrs later I still have it.
So to summarise the steps:
- Design your basic animal face – these are all based on simple ovals
- Cut out the shapes and glue on any features – in this case the sloth face/ eyes/ nose and the cat eyes/ nose
- Add a little white paint to make the cat eyes shine
- Once dry, sew the front and back of the cat or sloth face together. Be sure to a) insert the ears for the cat as you go round and b) leave a little gap so you can..
- …stuff the little felt animal face. Sew shut.
- My daughter used a running stitch all the way round.
- Hot glue some felt onto cardboard.
- Glue the felt sloth on top.
What do you think? Isn’t it adorable? I love that she scurried away to her room and made these all by herself! Yay!
What animal felt bookmark would you design?
Love sloths? Check out this collection of DIY Sloth Crafts:

Looking for more sewing projects for kids? Check out these fantastic ideas:

More gifts for kids to make here: