11 DIY Friendship Bracelets for Summer Camp
With summer just around the corner here for us in the UK and many of you already on the long summer holidays (in the US), it is “Friendship Bracelet season” – yes, I remember many a summer camp or long summer holiday afternoon, knotting away at friendship bracelets for my friends – either to give at camp with promises of best friends forever or to post to friends in snail mail letter exchanges.

So, we thought it would be great to bring together this set of fabulous DIY Friendship Bracelets to make and give this summer (well to make and give whenever really.. but summer is indeed a good time!! teehee..).
These DIY Friendship Bracelets, where first published in June 2016 and republished for your convenience!
11+ DIY Friendship Bracelets

If you are a fan of soda pop you ill LOVE these ring pull tab bracelets (actually you can buy the tabs online too). Love that at different times of the year you can collect different coloured tabs.. and turn them into these cool bracelets for boys AND girls.
Kirigami Bracelets are just so clever and super cool. Here we made them in Rainbow Colours.. BUUT you can make them out of gum wrappers too and they look fabulous!

Learn how to make the CLASSIC FRIENDSHIP BRACELET. Fiddly at first.. but once you get the hang of them, you will be making them ALL SUMMER!

And even easier version of these classic friendship bracelets are these friendship bracelets made with cardboard!

Make these macrame bracelet out of paracord string or round shoe laces. They look fabulous and the boys will like them too!

Combine ordinary beads with some special DIY Polymer Clay Beads, this little penguin is adorable.

Similarly, have a go at DIY Marbled Polymer clay and make a whole bracelet!

We LOVE Hama Beads.. when you get “bored” of traditional Hama Bead projects check out these super cool Perler Bead Bracelets. ADORE.

And who doesn’t love a button? Raid the button box and make some fabulous button bracelets.

Combining classics such us pony beads and loombands and you have these great pony bead bracelets.

Similarly you can turn your pony beads + loombands into cute Loom Band Flowers, that work great as flower bracelets, hair pieces and DIY flower rings!

Then of course.. you have your classic double fish tail loomband pattern

….. and your great Inverted Fish tail Loom band bracelet!

Quirky craft stick bracelets! Love the rainbow bracelet design!
And if you need some pendants (bonus info) check out these fab ideas:

Peas in a Pod Pendants.. for your BFF(s)

Emoji Beads – so so soooo fun to make!

Simple fun with Hama Beads – Cactus Pendant DIY

Hope you liked our DIY Friendship Bracelets! Remember to keep checking back as we add more ideas over time!