20 Classic Summer Activities & Crafts

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Looking for fun Classic Summer activities at home? Having a staycation and need ideas for summer for kids, for preschool and for teens?

Well, we love summer and we love these classic Summer Activities and classic Summer Crafts. Make and play and enjoy! (We also have an amazing set of Summer Arts And Crafts for Preschoolers to check out if working with younger kids!).

20 Classic Summer Crafts. 20 fabulous Summer DIY Ideas to make summer fun. Great for Kids, for teens and for adults. Summer Activities and Summer Crafts sorted! #Summer #crafts #forteens #forkids

We do love the Seasons and we love how the crafts vary through the seasons too – Summer Activities and Crafts to me are all about lazy afternoons with plenty of time to finish your work, outdoor games and garden crafts and playing with water.

It is about hanging out with friends, making your own lemonade and feeling the grass between your toes. Blowing bubbles (using your own DIY Bubble Recipe, as endorsed by the London Science Museum) and much much more…. So if you are looking for what to do when bored, read on you are sure to find some fun ideas, including obstacle course ideas!

Classic Fun Summer Activities to do at Home

DIY Ring Toss Game

Make your own Ring Toss game

Any thing upcycled and thrifty is right up my street. I love how Two Shades of Pink, make this upcycled Ring Toss game look so gorgeously vintage and fun. Make one for the garden or the Summer Fair – make this your classic summer craft and game to enjoy year on year!

Maker your own game of tic tac toe from stones & sticks

Have a go at this simple sticks and stones Tic Tac Toe game! Love those super cute little bees and ladybirds and the kids will LOVE to help make them!

Simple Bug Hotel

How to make a bug hotel

Another craft that has been on my to do list or literally forever is this simple bug hotel! There are so many different variations of this around, but I think that this is one is very easy to make with all age groups. Love that it is made from all those natural materials and provides lots space for creepy crawlies.

grass head craft for kids

How to make a Grass Head

Summer is a great time for kids to learn to grow things! Fruit and vegetables will have had their sowing season already, but you can always still make some fabulously fun Grass Heads! Learn how to make a grass head, then nurture it and style it! A great stay at home summer project for kids.


How to make a Pinwheel

Summer wouldn’t be the same without a Pinwheel. They come in ALL shapes and sizes… we decided to use some sharpie pens and clear plastic foil. But make them from anything – newspapers to origami!

crafts for him

Learn how to make a Kit

Whilst on the subject of wind… make kites with these kids. We have two gorgeous Kite Guest posts here on Red Ted Art, both will take time and care to complete, but hey all look GORGEOUS. Find out more about these Butterfly Kites from The Journals of Giddy Giddy. We also have a super simple paper version in our new Paper Projects Book!

Play Some Group Games

There are lots of fun group games for kids to play in the summer months. Why not give this one a go?

Solar Science

Or how aboute harnessing the power of the sun this summer with some of these brilliant Solar Science Experiments for kids?

How to make Side Walk Chalk

Drawing with Side Walk Chalk is BIG BIG BIG in our house and we so have to have a go at MAKING our own side walk chalk, something we haven’t yet had a go at. I know the kids will adore it. Chck out how me jumbo DIY Side Walk Chalks using TP Rolls.

Fun with Puffy heart crafts

Make some DIY Puffy Paint

DIY Puffy Paint is super and easy to make. If you have caught the art bug and have grown bored of the Sidewalk Chalk above.. why not have a go at DIY Puffy Paint? Super fun and the results look GREAT! 

Learn how to make friendship bracelets

Friendship bracelets take me back to my teen years and Summer camps. I remember making these for hours. To me this is one of THE classic crafts that I hope my kids will learn to make one day! Check out our friendship bracelets for beginners instructions!

If working with younger kids, you simply HAVE to try out these “cardboard” friendship bracelets, super easy.. super fun.. and the results look great!

Easy diy paper spinners

Paper Spinner Toys

Paper Spinners Toys are super simple and fun to make and play with. Explore colour theory and a little optics with this simple STEAM toy. We have some free printables for you but also show you how to make your own from scratch!

Learn how to make Sponge Balls

How about some fun with water. Made for those hot hot hot summer days, this is a great way to cool down. Sponge Balls have taken the internet by storm and no (hot) summer childhood should be without one. Just remember to go and hide when the kids are armed with these! Inner Child Fun has a great tutorial!

Water balloon pinata

Have a game of Water Balloon Pinata

Whilst on the topic of water, have a cooling down game of Water Balloon Pinata. SO MUCH fun, so easy to set up and a great way to cool down. More fun water balloon game ideas here.

paper boats

Classic Origami Paper Boats

Summer wouldn’t be summer with out some BOAT CRAFTS. We have lots to choose from.. but I have said it before and I will say it again – do not underestimate the humble paper boat. Learn once how to make them and make them anytime anywhere… from colourful paper or from a magazine page or newspaper. These are quite little entertainers to whip up in no time. The same of course goes for paper planes!

How to make cork boats

Easy Cork Boats

You probably also know that I am a huge fan of these Easy Cork Boats. I just think the are so cute and again they are quickly and easily made. Not only are they easy to make, they float brilliantly. You can replace sails with leaves, paper, plastic cut from a crisp packet or whatever takes your fancy! AND they are great little finger strengthening skill too!


How to make a Stick Craft

And who can resist a stick raft? Especially when it is a beautiful as this one from Mini Eco? Love the idea of using bright contrasting string to tie your raft together. So pretty.


Make your own Water Wall

Or why not delight your kids with a water wall. This is crafty, fun AND sciency all in one and you can have hours of fun with it. Playing by The Book made this great one a couple of years ago, do check it out, I know that one day we will have to make one for sure!

Flower vases a3

How to Press Flowers

Again one of those “classic activities” for kids – pressing flowers and leaves. We love to experminet and see what works well and what doesn’t. You do not need fancy equipment a heavy book and paper will do (or a notepad pushed under a heavy suitcase if you are on holiday). We have shared our top flower pressing tips plus a couple of craft ideas. They make great memories of your holidays. Just be sure to pick flowers “responsibly” and ask!


Learn how to make Shell Photo Frames

Many of use spend part of their Summer holidays a least a little bit by the sea side and collecting shells is a big childhood favourite. Chiffon Souffle makes some gorgeous Seashell Frames. They make great gifts from kids to family too.

Easy Shell Necklace for Young Kids

We have a GORGEOUS shell necklace for you next, but first we have this super duper EASY Shell Necklace that Preschoolers can make. Super easy process and the results look wonderful. Take a look at this one today!

shell necklace

More Shell Necklace Ideas

I LOVE these necklaces, they are soooo pretty and with using melon seeds and shells simple “smack” of Summer Sun! Growing Up Creative shares their craft. I so want to make one.


Make your own Bubble Wands

I have no idea how well these work, but I ADORE these Bubble Wands – whether you are making GIANT BUBBLE  WANDS or small ones – I book marked these a long time ago to “have a go” with the kids. Maybe this Summer we FINALLY will, who knows. But all kids LOVE bubbles, so why not make some pretty wands yourself (they would make a great Summer Party “activity” and take home gift. The photo is by Lady Lucente on Flickr. Make your own shape bubble wands with pipecleaners and beads here.

Perfect Bubble Recip

DIY Bubble Recipe

Armed with Bubble Wands… you will now need your very own Bubble Recipe. Here is the one we like to use and we have great fun with it all summer long!

how to make lavendar wands

How to make Lavender Wands

Summer is the time to “harvest” any lavender you have growing in the garden. We LOVE making Lavender wands with the older kids or stitching simple Lavender bags with the younger ones. They smell beautiful and make great gifts too. My daughter also uses hers as a “fairy wand”.

More great ideas and uses for lavender here.

God's Eye

Learn how to weave a God’s Eye

We love weaving a God’s Eye. This Classic craft is wonderfully therapeutic, easy to do and a great way to use up “odds and ends” of wool. You can get a bit more complicated with these flower pattern god’s eyes, make traditional god’s eyes or go modern with some watermelon god’s eyes. So much fun.

More great Yarn Crafts for kids here.

How to make a paper fan

Learn how to make a paper fan

Cool down with some homemade paper fans! You can make then using colourful paper, decorate them as a watermelon fan or even turn them into stars and stripes fans. One craft. Lots of possibilities!

How to make a scrunchie

Learn how to make a scrunchie

Get kids sewing and have a go at making a homemade scrunchie from fabric scraps. A great way to upcycle fabric and teach the kids to sew!

Got the sewing bug? Try out more of our fun Sewing Projects for kids!

making flags with children

Make BIG Art & Messy Art

How about making some splat art – sunny warm days, are a great opportunity to go outside and get messy. Do splat art or spray art or GIANT art. Whatever you choose. Here we made “Sunshine Flags“…

child's photo diary

Photo Journaling

For the modern child, this SOON will be a childhood classic – photo journaling. A great way to get into photography, learn about your environment, do a little writing and record your holidays. My son LOVED this project when he was three and am sure would love to do it again this Summer. This is how we approached our Photo Journaling. 

More GREAT (and free) photography ideas for kids here!

Over 100 adorable Corner Bookmark Designs - learn how to make an origami bookmark with kids.

How to make Corner Bookmarks

Corner bookmarks are base don the classic origami bookmark corner and then we show you how to turn into 100s of other Corner Bookmark Designs. Once you have learnt how you will be hooked. They are perfect for summer reading! As well as making for (and posting to) friends and family.

And finally.. how about giving a Random Acts of Kindness Jar a go? A great way to help alleviate some boredom but do great things for your friends, family and community!

FINALLY – Check out Camp Mom

Need more Summer Fun help? Check out this ebook – Camp Mom! – PACKED with Summer Activities and ideas. Created by 15 experiences Mum Bloggers – with a combination of Teaching, Parenting and Art experience!


Activities • Arts and Crafts • Adventure Ideas • Book Lists • Tips for Success • Planning Printables

Only $9.99

(for more information visit here)

We have some more fantastic summer themed ideas for you here –

Watermelon Crafts

Watermelon Crafts

Strawberry Crafts

Strawberry Projects

Summer crafts for preschoolers

Summer preschool crafts