7 Ways to make an Origami Leaf
Paper can make great decorations all year round. There are so many fantastic things you can make from a sheet of square paper! For Autumn and Fall, we have a lovely set of origami leaf tutorials that you can make from any paper size. You will need some clever accordion folds or mountain folds to make these.. and away you go. Gorgeous and simple origami leaf instructions just for you!
I think these easy origami leaves could be used in lots of different ways and are fun way to decorate with:
- Make large ones and stick to walls
- Make a set in different colours and stick to a wreath
- Make a set and hang as a garland
- Use these easy instructions to make leaves and add to greeting cards
- Use these them as gift wrap embellishments
Supplies needed to make origami leaves:
- paper! You can use origami paper or “normal” paper in greens, oranges, reds and yellows!
- some instructions shared today will require a pair of scissors and a little glue
No ruler needed!
How do you fold paper to look like a leaf?
Here we go.. there are a few different ways you can paper leaf, today we share some paper leaves, origami maple leaf designs and even a money leaf!
1 The most common paper leaf
I am going to start this collection of “origami leaf tutorials” with out Paper Leaf Tutorial. See what I did there, I called it a PAPER leaf, as strictly speaking it is NOT origami. Origami, usually takes one piece of square paper and through clever folding is turned into something 3d. This paper leaf, requires a little cutting and and a little glue too! So I am not quite sure where it falls in the scheme of “origami” vs paper crafts. BUT… it is so sweet and so easy to make and looks reallt effective, I thought it should still feature! These also have the advantage, that you can add a longer stem of if you wish.
2 Origami leaf accordion style
If you like the look of the accordion fold paper leaf, but really insist on making your paper leaf “Origami” only. Then The Craft a Holic Witchdoes indeed have an origami leaf tutorial. Muhaiminah Faiz shares clear step by step instructions of how to make this origami pattern. But be warned, it is a little fiddly with a set of small folds of the paper needed. So maybe for slightly older kids that are more dexterous! They do look lovely and have a good shape!
3 More delicate Origami Leaf

The Spruce Crafts has a classic paper origami leaf made from one square piece of paper – no cutting or sticking required (as per our paper leaf!). They have simpole step by step photo instructions for you to follow. Lovely paper craft!

Yes, if you are eagle eyed, you will see that this paper leave is the same one as above… BUT, I decided to add it here again, as Paper Kawaii has a video tutorial for you! So you can choose between the step by step photo instructions shared above, or the video how to! Kids sometimes prefer videos for learning paper crafts!
4 Origami Money Leaf

Make Origami shows you how to make an origami leaf from a dollar bill – it is similar method to our paper leaf (obviously no cutting involved). I am not quite sure how the middle “stays” together though, as we had to add a little glue!
5 Maple Leaf made from Origami Segments

Tratatuha’s paper maple leave has it’s “roots” in origami. Each segment is a simple paper fold made from one square piece of paper. However, like with my paper leaf, it isn’t “true” origami, as you still need a pair of scissors and some glue! Still. I think these are lovely and the origami folds are simple and great for beginners! So learning to make the basic leaf shape is easy.
6 Simple Origami Leaf (no glue needed)
For a more “true” Origami Leaf, you need a simpler shape. Origami Tutorial on YouTube shares how to make these!
7 Origami Leaf Branch (not sure what else to call this!)

Another fabulous ORIGAMI paper leaf, you will find on Youtube! This works with long strips of rectangular paper, rather than square paper, so you may need to do a little trimming of your paper first. But after that it is a series of clever folds, that will create this sweet set of leaves!
I hope you like this collection of different ways to make a paper leaf or origami leaf! Happy decorating!