How to make paper flowers at home!
Oh lovely lovely FLOWER CRAFTS! If you want to learn how to make paper flowers at home. Look no further. It is time for some DIY Paper Flowers!!! Wehther you are making flowers for Mother’s Day as Wall Decorations or for a Wedding.. whether you need flowers as a Thank You for teachers, or for Grandma… here you will find a paper flower for everyone!

Yes, there are lots of fantastic ways to decorate with paper flowers… whether it is making newspaper crafts, or using pretty patterned paper.. we have lots of great Paper Flower Crafts for you today. Paper crafts rock! We have quite an ecclectic coolection for you today – some great flower crafts for preschoolers, all the way up to skilled paper crafts (check out those rather amazing looking daffodils and tulips). I have tried to order them in order of difficulty – beginning with flower crafts for younger kids first and ending up in the more advances. I hope this is helpful!
How to make paper flowers at home?
The majority of these paper flower crafts require basic materials – some paper, glue, scissors with odd extra here and there (we do love a button or two for the center of your flower here and there!). Hopefully you will love these crafts and their easy step by step instructions! Enjoy these paper flower tutorials!
Paper Flower Crafts for Preschoolers and Younger Kids
Newspaper Flowers

Simply GORGEOUS Newspaper Flowers – such a clever and simple upcycle that looks absolutely fabulous! These really are a great craft for every age group and can be enjoyed as a “together” project or an individual one. Kids get to have fun with watercolours (and plend colours) as well as practice their cutting skills, then add some layers of painted newspaper in different colors to make up your flower! If made in red, you could make these as simple paper roses too. Lovely decor for a gift or wall – this would be great for party decorating.
This paper flower technique could also be made using coffee filters – if you keep them white or use pastel colors they would make a great large flower for bridal showers? Why not experiement with different kind of paper too? E.g. Magazines or tissue paper?
Origami Tulips

Or something simpler for the kids – we love this fabulous Origami Tulip – a great introduction to origami for kids! A few years ago, I was a little “nervous” of origami. I always thought that I wasn’t neat enough (in many ways I am still not neat enough)… but I had many a happy childhood memory making paper boats…. so I decided to embrace Origami and have never looked back since. Thise Origami Tulips are really a great way to get started! Learn to make some a basic fold or two to make the tulip head and then have a go at the flower stem and combine!
Printable Flower Baskets

Flower Basket Weaving CARDS for Mother’s Day and Teachers! (Includes FREE Printable). I love this printable for so many reasons….. the kids get to practice their cutting skills, they can have great fun coloring (experiment with pencils, pens or watercolours.. maybe even add some tissue paper details..) and finally they get to have a go at Paper Weaving with some strips of paper. Which we all know is great for fine motor skills and sequencing!
Kids’ Art Flowers

Easy Painted Paper Flowers – these paper flowers are so simple and yet so cheerful. Let your child express themselves with colours and then help them turn their art work into fantastic flowers. You may also like these super simple Cupcake Liner Flowers from Simple Parenting. You can use a little bit of tape or hot-glue to add these flowers to paper straws.
Paper Flower Crafts for Kids
Tissue paper flower bouquet

Use tissue paper or crepe paper to make this lovely Tissue Paper flower bouquet was made with a class of 5 and 6yrs olds for their Primary School Teacher’s Wedding! Isn’t it adorable! They would make a lovely little centerpiece too. The petals are made of circles crunched up around a button and pipe cleaner centre. So sweet. Then make an additional crepe paper leaf or two. You can put the pipe cleaners in a straw for more structure and then pop in a vase and done!
Printable Flower Fortune Tellers

Flower Fortune Tellers as a small gift idea for Mother’s Day or Spring. Along with those paper boats, I also love to make Fortune Tellers when I was little. Hours of fun, writing silly messages or turning them into simple point nosed puppets! This free printable a new take on this great classic childhood craft. Choose from plain/ coloured and from “write your own message” to “writing prompts about mum”. Educational too! Whoop. You can get a complete download of our Mother’s Day Bundle here. This has fabulous step by step instructions included in the free printable or watch the video tutorial.
These come with a free pdf template for you to use!
Easy 3d Paper Flowers

One of our most popular and easy paper flowers are these 3d Paper Flowers – so easy to make and we have a great Christmas Poinsettia verison too! These are a long time favourite Paper Flower DIY of mine. They even feature in my new book, because I want EVERYONE to know about them! So simple and fun! These paper flowers would work well as part of giant wreaths maybe? Certainly a great to use as party decorations and decorate teh walls with!
Accordion Fold Paper Flower Craft

Fun with accordion flowers – how cute are these? The accordion fold is such a clever craft for kids and the effects are lovely.
Coffee Filter Flowers

Learn about Chomatography with these coffee filter flowers! Another great use for coffee filters!
Paper Flower Bookmarks

There is no round up on Red Ted Art that doesn’t somehow include a Corner Bookmark!! We are bookmark crazy… We also adore these Flower Corner Bookmarks, you will see that they are VERY easy to make and look super effective. A great little gift for kids to make on Mother’s Day.. or maybe use them as an Easter Corner Bookmark too?! We even used the paper cut off to make this teeny weeny half-inch baby flower!
Fun with Pop Up Flowers

And yes.. I think a post dedicated to paper crafts, also needs some Pop Up Cards.. right? Currently we have a Pop Up Flower Garden Card is simply delightful. A perfect 3D Flower Card for Mother’s Day don’t you think?!
Pop Up Paper Tulip cards

We also adore these cheerful POP UP Daffodil Cards – these are a little simple, but I think they look just as effective. Hooray.
Flower Bouquet Card

And as we continue on the theme of DIY cards, how about these super cute heart Flower Heart Bouquet Cards?
Fun with bobble flowers

Another cute bunch of flowers to make is this Bobbing Flower Bouquet was a fun guest post for the Valentine’s Day series I run each year. Use a paper cup and light cardstock or construction paper and you have such a quirky and cute idea for kids to make on Mother’s Day or Valentine’s day!! Such a fun project.
DIY Paper Flowers for more experience crafters
Depending on the age group of kids you are working with, these are suitable for them too. Or maybe you can work on some of these projects as a “together” project? They are all guest posts here on Red Ted Art from wonderfully experience crafters!
Book Pages Flowers with Button centres

Time for another easy paper flower craft – this time we are having more fun with upcycled Flowers – turn old books into pretty paper flowers! They look great on gift wrap too.
Paper Flower Gift Wrap Decoration (with templates for cutting machines)

Continuing on the Paper Flower theme – here is another beautiful Paper Flower you can make – perfect for gift decorations and comes complete with a simple printable Flower Template! These would be great made using a cricut machine, don’t you think?
Realistic Crepe Paper Flowers – Daffodils and Tulips

Another one for “Older kids” or teens.. or ahem, grown ups, are these simply STUNNING realistic paper daffodils. Aren they beautiful?! Both these daddofils and tulips are made using crepe paper for both the flower heads and stems. They are so pretty, you can pop them in a vase and use them as a centerpiece for sure!

Or how about some realistic paper tulips? Again, perfect for Mother’s Day! Love all the detail that goes into each petal. Even adding color to the edges of the flower petals and adding a realistic flower center!
Paper Quilled Flower Earrings

Try your hand at Paper Quilling and have a go at these lovely and oh so simple Quilled Daisy Earring?
Other 3d Paper Flowers

Family Food Travel makes some gorgeous Anemones!

Dreamy Posy shows us how to make this realistic rose.

Atta Girl Says has a candy filled tissue paper flower bouquet! Aren’t they beautiful? A lovely way to decorate for baby showers with sheets of tissue paper. Wonderful.

I do hop you enjoyed our Paper Flower DIYs today!!! I will be adding more over time – I am sure!! In the meantime, we have an extensive collection of more general DIY Flower Crafts here: