Free Trick or Treating Sign Free Download

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Hello hello. Though we are super sad about no trick or treating for Halloweein during Covid 19, we are still excited to be doing lots of fun Halloween Activities with our local community. We are still decorating and pumpking carving and doing some other bits and pieces. As the decorating may cause some confusion for local children, we thought a simple No Trick Or Treating Sign would be helpful. And as we are not dictating to our community what to do (or not do for that matter), we have also included a “Welcome Trick or Treating” sign too. It is really for you to decide how to move forward.

No Trick or treating sign

Trick or Treating alternatives for our community

We have organised a number of things, that we hope will make Halloween fun for our kids in a Covid 19 Save Manner! By involving the kids directly, as well as all the neighbours, we can still have lots of fun.

We have a COMPLETE list of ideas for a Halloween Family Fun here, but the items we are focusing on are:

  • A Halloween Letter Hunt – get the kids colouring and being creative, bring the community together, and turn it into a candy hunt if you wish (one sweet for every letter found)
  • A simple Halloween Scavenger Hunt – print your free Scavenger Hunt printables, take them outside and see what you can find – one sweet award for each item. Two versions available for different age groups with more printables coming..
  • A Wreath Decorating competition
  • Our local school is organising a great big Treasure Hunt/ Scavenger Hunt which takes us all around a our local area
  • A Boo Your Neighbour‘s style gift exchange
  • As a family, we are also pumpkin carving and decorating our home (we already made some giant cardboard pumpkins for our front windows). I am involding the kids as much as possible, so they feel they are having a Halloween.
  • As a family, we will also have a spooky Movie Night on Halloween itself
  • Finally – if you children love to dress up – they can dress up for the Scavenger and Letter Hunts
  • Oh and finally, finally.. my good friend Science Sparks has a great list of Halloween STEAM ideas for you try!

It is not too late to organise this for your neighbour hood! Be sure to involve the kids and have lots of fun!

Free Trick or Treating Sign Download

Grab your free Trick or Treat signs here – these are can be used any year not just during Covid 19! e.g. if you have an elderly relative who really gets uncomfortable during Halloween the “No Trick or Treat Sign” may be of help every year. Similarly, if you want to make super clear that you welcome Trick or Treaters you can use the YES sign every year!

no trick or treat

Both signs are free to download here, simply add $0 at check out.

Read about all of our Halloween Activities for Families here:

Halloween Family Activity ideas