Poop Emoji Keychain DIY
Finally I have succomb!!!!! My kids love everything emoji and even more when it is a Poop Emoji!!!! So yes, this week I sat down and made a Poop Emoji Keychain DIY. Whatever rocks their boat and gets them sewing is good by me. And to be honest.. I rather like this little guy! Teehee. We have LOTS more beginner appropriate sewing projects for kids for you to browse if you are seeking inspiration. As well as some really fun Emoji DIYs (more to come on that soon!). What I also love about this keychain.. is that it doubles up WONDERFULLY as an Poop Emoji Ornament – should you wish to decorate your Christmas tree in this manner.. so whether it is back to school or sewing for Christmas.. read on!
Poop Emoji Keychain DIY Materials:
- brown felt
- white felt
- black felt (or black marker pen)
- brown embroidery thread – though a conrasting colour or black would work too
- needle
- a little stuffing – we used wool/ yarn scraps
- ribbon for hanging
- Keychain/ key ring
Learn how to do a running stitch (and other basic stitches) here.
Poop Emoji Keychain DIY:
This emoji keychain, of course also works well as a Emoji Zipper Pull on your backpack – in fact that is how my kids are using it! I have created an easy to follow sewing video, or skip past that to the written instructions below!
- Find a Poop Emoji Image on line and print it out in your desired size.
- Use this as a template to cut out two pieces of brown felt.
- Make a small knot into your embroidery thread and push the needle from the “inside” of one of the two pieces of fabric. Place the two pieces of felt on top of each other – so that the knot is ON THE INSIDE of your poop emoji.
- Now sew a running stitch until you get the top of your Poop Emoji.
Love Emojis? Fancy some more Emoji DIYS? Take a look at these: