Handprint Alphabet – Y for… Yak
This is a super oldie, but goldie.. especially as we are rapidly approaching the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Ox! Ok. You got me.. this is a Handprint Y for Yak.. but to be honest, when it comes to kids’ crafting a Yak and an Ox are pretty much interchangable. So if you are looking for a fun Zodiac Animal Handprint Craft for Chinese New Year, give our Yak a go!

Handprint O for Ox/ Y for Yak
Back to our very original Y is for Yak Blog Post
And we are approaching the end of our Handprint Alphabet series. I bet you can guess what we have lined up for you for Z… but the question on everyone lips is “what Handprint Animal will they do for Y”?! I was very tempted by Y for Yeti… but we already have an A for Alien and that would have made two “pretend animals”. And know one would know what a Yabby or a Yucker is.. soooo we settled on a YAK!
If are exploring the Animal Alphabet, you may also enjoy our Toilet Paper Roll Yak!
Once again, we visited the internet to have a good look at one.
We decided to focus on big horn and shaggy hair:

Quite cute me thinks!

You will need a full here of indiscriminant colour – the kids mixed their own. I think next time we would do it “minus” the thumb.. looks like our Yak has an extra leg!

Once dry, add some horns (we outlined them, so you can see it), snout and shaggy hair. Some hooves and done! Red Ted added an ice-berg. I told him there weren’t any. So he said it was a rock.
Pip squeak decided to just do some painting…
Want more? Or check out the COMPLETE Animal Handprint A-Z here: