Shell Crafts – Crab Fridge Magnets
Today’s Seashell Craft – these darling little Crab Fridge Magnets, are an excerpt from my first book Red Ted Art, Cute & Easy Crafts for Kids (US, UK (affiliate links)).
We love shell crafts – especially as we usually associate a lovely Family Day out with it. Crafting memories with our beach find!
These shells make perfect little Crab Fridge Magnets… Collecting shells is a favourite seaside pastime. It is lovely walking along a beach and seeing what you can find. You can then come and make something crafty.
It is nice when the materials you use represent the theme from where they came from –shells are from the sea, so make some creatures of the sea: some crabs and turtles. Add a little magnet and you have fun fridge magnets to remind you of your holiday or day at the seaside.
Shell Crafts – Crab Fridge Magnets, you will need –
- one large shell
- 2 Pipecleaners
- Red Paint (acrylics (US, UK) or enamels best (US, UK))
- Fridge magnet
- Hot glue gun or PVA glue
Shell Crafts – Crab Fridge Magnets, How To
As per usual, choose from our detailed video tutorial or the step by step written instructions below!
How to make shell crab magnets step by step
- Cut one pipe cleaner in 8 pieces for the legs. Cut the second pipecleaner in half and form some claws at the ends.
- Tuck the pipecleaners under the shell (so that the legs are pointing right up in the air) and glue in place. By tucking them in, the pipecleaner is holding itself in place whilst they are drying. If you use a hot glue gun (as per the video) you won’t have to wait long for it to dry.
- Once dry you can move the legs down and arrange. Then add your googly eyes.
- Now glue on a disc of card the size of the shell – this gives you a surface to then add the magnet to.
Be sure to glue the magnet on the right way around – I have inadvertently got it wrong in the past!! If you are looking for more Shell Crafts, take a look at this set of 20+ Shell Crafts –
Love these crab fridge magnets, but don’t have any suitable shells? Check out this Salt Dough version: