Well! I have a different sort of printable puppet for you… a super duper cute Christmas Clothespin Craft!!! Time for some fun Christmas Printable Fun!
Free Christmas printable puppets
Today’s craft is 100% inspired by my friend Menucha from Moms and Crafters.. so much so in fact, that Moms and Crafts actually TOLD ME TO MAKE THESE!! Teehee.
A few months ago Menucha made some super fun and easy printable clothespin puppets (you really must see them.. they took both Facebook and Pinterest by storm) and she said to me that she thought they would look fabulous as quirky Christmas Clothespin Puppets too… and do I fancy make some.. duh!!! Yes of course.. so here we go.. I finally managed to get a Santa, Rudolph and a couple of Elf Clothespin Puppets with Christmas Printables done for you. They are SO FUN to make and play with. How we love love LOVE Paper Crafts for Kids.
As an FYI – the Printables are design in such a way, that you have a choice of making them “quickly and easily” (colour, cut and stick) or make them a bit more fun and quirky by adding wool embellishments depending on your time and the dexterity of the people working on this! 🙂
Christmas Clothespin Crafts – Materials
Contains affiliate links for convenience, if purchased I will earn a small commission which contributes towards the upkeep of this site!
Your Christmas Clothespin Puppet Printables! (there are two pages to choose from, I couldn’t make up my mind what configurartion to offer you – this is a free resource, simply add $0 at check out)
PVA Glue though a hot glue gun easier if working with older kids
Pritt stick
OPTIONAL: wool/ yarn (for beards and hair), pom pom and pipecleaner (for the Rudolph Clothespin Puppet)
The full set of Christmas puppet printable designs are FREE – simply add $0 at check out!
How to make your Clothespin Puppets
See how quick and easy your Clothespin Puppets are to make!!! Or follow the Clothespin Puppet Step By Step Instructions below. Oh how paper crafts rock!!
Christmas Clothespin Puppets – Step by Step Instructions
I will focus on how to make the clothespins with wool… as the hopefully the “Plain” colour and cut version self explanatory
Print out your free Chirstmas Clothespin Puppet Template
Colour your templates in
Cut out your Clothespin character
For all the characters cut the bottom half of the face off
Now for the individual characters
SANTA Clothes Pin Craft
Santa and his big beard: you will need to add strands of yarn to the beard and mustache. We find it easiest to add lots of glue to the beard and carefully line up the pieces of yarn. Once dry you can trim.
ELF Clothes Pin Craft
Elf with BIG hair: you will have to cut “into” the elf’s head bu cutting down the sides of the ear (don’t cut the whole ear off, just the black outlines). Wrap some yarn around your fingers (maybe 4-5 times), knot and cut open the ends. Then add glue to the top of the elf’s head and the back of the ear… and wedge the wool between the two. Add glue to the elf hat and stick on top of the hair. Glue the ear to the hat. Personally I find making THIS elf quickest and easiest with a hot glue gun. Let dry.
ELF Clothes Pin Craft (simpler)
For the Elf with a braid/ a little hair. Snip into the line between the hat and head where you can see the hair drawing. Glue a little hair in place (braid for the girl elf)
REINDEER Clothes Pin Craft
Make some pipecleaner antlers (we pent one pipecleaner to make both antlers). Glue to the back of the head and add a pom pom. Though strong PVA glue will do, a hot glue gun makes this quicker and easier
Finishing off your clothespin characters
Once all your pieces are fully dried. Glue the top of the head to the top of the clothespin and the bottom.. to the bottom… we actually found a glue stick to be the best for this!!! But again, any glue will do.
Your super quirky and fun Christmas Clothespin Puppets are FINISHED!!!! Enjoy.
We have SO MANY MORE Christmas Ideas for you to browse: