DIY Halloween Pop Up Cards for Kids
If your kids like to make and send DIY Cards, they will hopefully adore these easy pop up halloween cards for kids! Not only are they seriously cute (Kawaii inspired designs!), but you can combine them with the handy Ghost Jokes for Kids and the Spider Jokes for kids lists – send a joke and Happy Halloween wishes to a family friend. It sure will put a smile on their faces. We have made these DIY Pop Up Cards before – we have them as Emoji Pop Up Cards and as Heart Pop Up Cards – and because they are so easy and yet gorgeous to make, we thought they would be perfect as Halloween Pop Up Cards too!!! So… here we go! (We have many more Card Making Ideas for Kids of all ages for you to browse too – from Preschool, through to grown ups!).
This is a great post to show how very versatile Paper Crafts can be.. and is the perfect Paper Halloween Craft for kids!
First shared in October 2016 and republished for your convenience.
Halloween Pop Up Cards – Materials
- A5 Card stock folded in half or an A6 ready craft card (get great coloured cards here – US / UK (aff link)
- Black and white paper for the spider and ghost
- Contrasting “background paper
- Bits of pink and white paper for decorating
- Black pen
- Scissors
- glue stick
Get your
>>>>> Ghost Jokes for Kids here <<<<<<
>>>>> Spider Jokes for Kids here <<<<<<
Halloween Pop Up Cards – How To
The following video is the best way to show how to make a Pop Up card – it really makes it nice and easy to follow!!!
However, if you wish to have step by step photo instructions, you can apply the methodology of the Heart Pop Up Cards to our little DIY Spider Card and DIY Ghost Cards! The main difference, is that you use a circle as a basic shape, instead of a heart.
For the spider pop up you then also cut out some strips of black paper and cut it int 3 pieces – to make each leg. For the ghost pop up card, you stick with the basic circular shape, but add some little arms and a ghostly tail.
What do you think? Don’t you think these DIY Halloween Cards are simply adorable? I have to confess, that I have never made or sent a Halloween card before, but now we have made these cute cute cute diy cards for Halloween, I can’t stop making them. I love the bright vibrant colours, but also how cute and easy they are to make. Halloween doesn’t have to be scary and spooky at all, but cute and fun!!!
I wish you all a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN, stay safe and Happy Trick or Treating!!
Find more Card Making Ideas for Kids here:
Find more Halloween DIYs here: